Chapter Four - Saxon

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Saxon watched, devastated, as the white fox fled into the forest. His mate, his beaten and terrified mate had ran away and Saxon couldn't even blame him. His face had been a mess - bloody and bruised beyond belief - and his feet had been badly burn. The younger shifter was servant had been abused by his master, he had admitted out loud. He would have ran from anything. He had found him though, and Asa had run towards the village they were heading to so he would be there later today. Saxon could make the fox shifter knew that no one would be able to hurt him now, and Saxon would protect him.

"My prince!" Saxon's personal guard shouted, "We heard you scream, are you alright." Saxon stared at where his mate had run, nodding his head.

"I found my mate Ulmar," Saxon whispered, "He's hurt and scared but I found him." Ulmar sighed putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll see him again later," Ulmar said, "We gotta get going, it's nearly sunrise." Saxon nodded, climbing to his feet when Ulmar suddenly chuckled. Saxon glared at the graying woman. "Sorry," she laughed, "But you met your mate in front at grave. How romantic." Saxon shook his head, because romantic wasn't the word he was looking for.

The pair walked back to the rest of the party. The servants and knights greeted them happily, slapping the prince on his shoulder at the news. Saxon was glad his knights were so supportive, some alphas would have been less then happy about a mates 'disrespect'. They all promised to be calm when he brought Asa back.

Saxon climbed back onto his horse, and the group marched on. As they marched walked Saxon thoughts drifted back to when he saw his mate. The man - closer to a boy - had been thin as he set by the stream. His short silver hair and pale, freckled skin had nearly convinced Saxon that he had come across a hurt spirit, but his sweet scent had given his shifter nature away. His wide golden eyes had been enchanting too, even set among the violent bruises.

He could almost imagine Asa's face uninjured, with his jaw line and lips not obscured by bruises and welts. It would be diamond shaped, with soft cheeks and pink lips. Saxon could cradle that face and place kisses all over his short, thin nose. Asa would be adorable once he was healed, Saxon just knew it.

By the time they reached the Barron's manor, the sun had risen and the land was soaked in light. The Barron, his daughter, and their many servants greeted them as they entered the courtyard. Saxon dismounted, bowing to Barron Julius and his emerald clad daughter.

"Thank my lord for housing us during our stay," he said, rising back up.

"It is no trouble at all your highness," Barron Julius laughed, "Truly an honor to help you find our future queen!" Saxon smiled politely.

"King-consort actually," Saxon clarified, and decided as he watched Barron Julius' face morph into horrified shock not to mention Asa till he found the servant. Judging by the nobles faces neither of them had known about Saxon's preference before hand, and too be fair few generally did.

"W-Well lets get on with breakfast so that we can call everyone to the village square," the Barron continued, "The servants can help mine while we discuss matters. Shall we move to the dinning hall?"

"Let us," Saxon said with a fake smile. Barron Julius' daughter happily bounded up to him, clinging to his arm as they walked.

"You can sit by me your highness!" The woman - Angelica, he remembered - giggled. She was objectively pretty, smelling of sweet roses and acacia too, but it was clear they weren't mate. Her clinging to him was inappropriate, and so he gently removed himself from her hold. "There is no need for that your highness," she nearly whined.

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