Chapter Five - Mates

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"Please," his mate said, lowering his hand from Asa's cheek, "Take him to the inn. The knights will stay with you three while Ulmar and I deal with the Barron." Sofia nodded sharply, passing Asa off to the second omega servant - her twin, they had said earlier - who took him by the arm.

"It'll be OK your highness," Harrison said, guiding him away from the enraged prince, "Prince Saxon will take care of this, you'll be safe." Asa whimpered, tears trickling down his cheeks. His feet burned with each step, and his body trembled with both fear and pain as his mind raced.

He had a mate. Gods he had a mate. Asa was going to be taken to the capital and forced to mate with the prince of this country. He was going to be a broodmare for the rest of his life and there was nothing he could do about. What about when the prince got tired of Asa? How long would it take for him to be abandoned like his mother?

Asa's knees gave out at the thought.

"Your highness!" Harrison and Sofia cried. Getting called 'highness' was no help. The twins knelt by him though, petting his silver hair as he trembled on the ground. He retched and gagged, dry heaving as he clutch at his empty stomach.

"Sorry," he sobbed, using his free hand to his face, "Sorry."

"Sofia, run ahead with the knights and prepare the room," Harrison said, "I'll bring Asa in a few minutes." The brown haired boy curled his hand in Asa's hair. Sofia nodded, running off as Harrison continued to pet Asa. "Would you like to talk about what's wrong?" The older omega asked gently.

"I-I can't do this," Asa sobbed, "I didn't want a mate." Harrison nodded his understanding.

"This must be scary for you," he said, "Finding a mate always is. Prince Saxon is a kind man though, you're going to be safe with him." Asa whimpered, still unsure. "Let's get you to the inn now."

The inn room was no better at helping his nerves in Asa's opinion. The young omega paced back and forth on burnt feet. If he sat still, as Harrison and Sofia kept begging him to do, his panic overwhelmed him. His hair stood on end, and his shoulders hunched. He couldn't be vulnerable when his mate came back, he couldn't.

The twins watched him, and Asa could see the worry in their eyes. They hadn't moved to stop him though, force him to sit. It made him feel guilty, but Asa couldn't help it. He whined, and half considered shifting. It has always been a safety net, his fox form. No matter how much the Barron and sister Angelica had hated it, no matter how childish it was, his shifter form was the last connection he had to his mother. When he was scared and panicked, shifting was his go to form of self comfort. Even now he could feel fur sprouting along his arms. What would the twins do though? Would they hate his fox too?

"Your highness," Sofia urged, "Please, you're going to hurt yourself." Asa couldn't help the whimper that escaped his throat. His ears - which he had unknowingly shifted - pressed flat against his head.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, trembling. Sofia sighed, stepping away from the door. She walked over to him, resting her hand on his back.

"You can shift if you need to," she said gently, "Neither of us will judge you."

"But I'm not a wolf," Asa whined. Sofia offered him a smile.

"There are many shifters in the capital who aren't wolfs," she said, "Our younger brother and our father are both cat shifters. There is no need to be ashamed. Understand?" Asa nodded, still shaking. "Would it make you feel more comfortable if I shifted too?"

"Won't you get in trouble?" Asa asked.

"Of course not!" Sofia exclaimed, "No one would get mad at me for just shifting." Asa's eyes widened, and he stared at the older omega. "Oh your highness," she whispered, "Come, rest, Harrison and I will watch over you." Asa gulped, eyes shifting to the door.

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