This Is For You (A Poem About Domestic Violence)

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This is for the ones who spoke

To God to manifest their hopes

For a love that would ignite

A man proud to call you his wife


This is for the ones who loved

To find their all was not enough

Who surrendered, trapped in compromise

Became someone they didn’t recognise


This is for the ones who gave

Who tried to save what can’t be saved

Whose downfall was their compassion

Prisoners of their own attachment


And this is for the ones who lied

To protect the one who made them cry

Who convinced themselves that they were fine

Because he promised that it was the last time


He said he’d change, that he’d do better

Then romanced you back to forever

But you knew it wouldn’t stay that way

That it’s all part of his power game


So as you smile you sit and wait

For the next time that he detonates

Now those new marks upon your skin

Are somehow justifiable to him


Cause he’s the victim here, not you

You made him do those things to you

And all your friends tell you to leave

But it’s not as simple as they make it seem


It’s hard, but you must take a stand

Don’t break yourself to fix a man

So as you sit and read my truth

 I want you to know this is for you


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