Ch. 5 | Constellations

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You know when you haven’t had sex in a while, and as time rolls on you trick yourself into believing that you don’t really miss it anymore….and then you have sex -amazing sex; the best damn sex in the history of sex, and it shoots through your veins and brings your entire anatomy to life like the most potent hit of your favourite drug. You realise that you’d forgotten how it felt to feel this alive, and now that your memory has been jogged, all you can do is continuously revel in the memory of your last hit. Ace is a sex God; seriously, he could have invented the damn thing. In all my life of having what I’d assumed was great sex, I had never experienced a man experience me like that. He made me feel like a constellation of stars had formed between my thighs, then combusted with a poetic violence, creating this beautifully chaotic nebula of an orgasm that I’d never thought possible. This sparked the beginning of my downfall; my bittersweet addiction to him.

            We’re sitting on my bed with Adventure Time playing in the background on the TV. I’d tried to explain to him that even though it could get a little weird at times, it was an awesome cartoon. After ten minutes of trying to get into it he gave up and kept finding excuses to touch me to the point where I wasn’t watching it either, so I turned the volume down a little and we were talking, still getting to know each other a little better. With all of the questions that we were tossing back and forth, there is one that is burning the tip of my tongue. Sky had advised me not to ask it, but I can’t get it out of my head. Eventually I take a deep breath and blurt it out.

“Why did you want to go out with me?”

Ace shrugs and says simply, “Because I like you,” as if that is all he needed to make up his mind that he wanted to be in a serious relationship with me, just because he liked me. It was all so brazenly simplistic, and that’s what made it more confusing. .

“But it all happened so soon. You barely know me.”

“I know that I like you,” he takes a lock of my hair between his fingers then pauses. His mellow tone turns worried, “Why…do you not like me?” He looks down in his lap, “If you don’t I’ll understand, I mean, it was kind of quick. You can break up with me if that’s what you want and I’ll leave you alone.” I furrow my brow, confused as to why on earth he would think that I don’t like him when I’ve been warring with myself all day trying not to stare at him so much.

He stops playing with my hair and makes a move to stand up; I put my hand on his leg, “What? No! Ace, I like you! I was just asking ‘cause this happened a lot quicker than I’m used to. I still want to be with you, I’m kinda still tryna adjust to the idea of us, that’s all. I just want to get to know you better.” He stalls as if he doesn’t believe me, then relaxes and settles back into his place on the bed next to me.

“Okay,” he sighs. He places his arms behind his head and leans back on the bed, “What d’you wanna know, babe?” And just like that he’s back to normal.

I twist my body to facing him and sit lotus style while he watches me with an expectant expression. I shrug, “I dunno; anything.”


“Likeee…what do you like to do on Sunday afternoons?” I blurt out.

He cocks his eyebrow, “That’s a weird question.”

“That’s not an answer,” I smile.

“This.” He grabs my arm a pulls me on top of him. I shriek and giggle as he holds me to him, enjoying my girlish hysterics. He laughs with me and then he stops, and I stop, and we’re still. He’s looking at me and I’m looking at him and we’re just…still, and I think want to kiss him. His lips are full, pink, and warm, but if I kiss him here in my bedroom I feel that it won’t stop there, and having sex with him, as appealing as the thought is, is still a grey area for me. We stay frozen in the position of almost there, suspended in the moment of decision making, his eyes growing warmer, my heart hammering away in my chest…and then I roll off of him. God, that was close.

All That Glitters (Unfamous Series, Book #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now