Chapter 14

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Its our third day in Ireland and Ryan and I are having the time of our lives together. I feel way better and energized and I haven't been sick. Ryan says he has something planned for me today and tells me to wait in the room till he calls for me. I look at myself in the mirror admiring my bump. My baby is growing fast and I couldn't be more excited. Raina is excited about having a baby too. She and Larson are taking time off work and staying at home trying to get used to the idea of a baby and I am happy that I am not in this pregnancy alone, It's awesome having a friend to share this with, someone that understands what I am going through.

My phone rings and I see it's from Ry, its a text telling me I can come down now to the sunroom. I look at my self one last time in the mirror. I am wearing a yellow flowered dress that shows off my growing breasts, my hair is tied up in a messy bun, the best I could do.

I look good enough

I make my way downstairs and I am amazed by what I see. Ryan had set up a indoor picnic for us in the sun room. The beautiful flowers made the picnic look magical.

"I can't believe you did this" I say looking up at Ry.

"You like it?" he asks.

"I love it" I say and kiss him. "Thank you"

"Glad you like it. Come here". He guides me to the floor and makes sure I was comfortable before he sits down.

There are pillows on the floor so I would be comfortable, there is a stack of comic books for us to read and there is even an adult coloring book, I love those. I also noticed the basket for food and I am eager to find what is inside. have been getting hungrier lately.

"This is amazing" I tell him.

"I am glad you like it. Making you happy, makes me happy" He said and kissed me.

It's been a couple of hours and I had finished everything Ryan brought. The basket was full with fruits, salad, sandwiches, a Nutella jar, peanut butter and other things. I also colored in the book and read lots of comic. Ryan and I would pick a book and exchange it when we are done, if anyone finishes before the other, you can't pick another book until the other person is done. Yep, Ryan's rule. I was still reading a book and Ryan was done with his, his head is currently on my lap, his eyes on me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"You are just so beautiful" he says and I laugh.

"That is a bit corny"

"Maybe but it is true" he says and closes his eyes. I get back to my comic.

"Let's move in together" he says suddenly. I burst out laughing.

"We are married, Ry. We already live together" I tell him. He opens his eyes.

"I know that, Kitten" he says. "I meant we should move back to our matrimonial room".

My heart starts beating erratically. I know that we pretty much sleep in the sam eroom right now but to actually move back to our room was another thing entirely.

"Mae!" Ry calls bringing me out of my mind.

"Yes" I look at him and he sits up.

"Don't you want to? We are sleeping together every night right now, here and at home. I stay in your room and you stay in mine" he says.

"I know".

"What is the problem then" he looks at me searching for an answer.

"I am scared" I blurt out.

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