Guilty Conscience?

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Brooke’s POV

Waiting…forever waiting in this damn line. I told Shaun that I’d be home half an hour go and now I’m getting worried text messages from Shaun.

“Where are you?” “When will you be home?” “Are you ok?”

As I make my way out of the shops my bag that I have breaks, shopping going all over the footpath. That’s when I notice something fall from my handbag, a weird shaped parcel.

As I head home I begin to think about the package that I found beforehand. Where did it come from? Who did it come from? Questions flooding through my head that distract me from the fact that I’ve missed my street.

As I pull into the driveway, it clicks. I know where I got that package, I wish I didn’t, but I do. Shaun walks out looking stressed as usual, Honey following him from behind.

“Where have you been?” he snaps “you said you were going to be home an hour ago.”

“Sorry, it took me longer than expected,” I mumbled back trying to direct my attention to Honey.

“Anyway, me, Andy, Bradie and the rest of the guys are going out tonight, so don’t wait up,” he whispers in my ear, kissing me gently on the cheek. 

As he drives away, I take the shopping inside, relax on the lounge as Honey jumps on my lap.

“No, Honey, down,” I say pushing her back onto the ground, she looks at me with her big, puppy eyes begging me to let her up next to me, just as I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door, I must’ve been asleep for hours, what time is it? 8:45, ok the night isn’t completely gone.  As I get up, Honey runs over to me with her ball, not that there is any time to play.

“Honey, not now,” I mumble, opening the door, still half asleep, “maybe later.”

“Hello Brooke, remember me?”  A sly voice greets me.

My ex…James.

The package, it was him, he gave it to me, but when…that’s the big question that is now bothering me.

“What are you doing here? How did you get my address?” I ask, as Honey is at my feet growling at him.

“I have my sources, are you free tonight? We can go and tear up the streets.” He hints, holding up his keys, “or just a few drinks if that is what you prefer.”

I look around the house. Floor is clean, dishes are done, as well as the washing…why not?  A few drinks won’t hurt? Will they?

Shaun’s POV

What’s going on with Brooke? She’s hiding something from me, I know it she’s been my girlfriend for about 4 years now so I can tell when something is wrong.

“Hey Shaun, how’s your lovey dovey, love life going?” Andy says, slapping me on the back.

“Fine,” I reply sharply, not wanting to talk about the whole subject.

Andy just laughs.

“Shaun has relationship problems,” Andy giggles, chocking on his drink in the process.

“Andy, shut up, at least he has a girlfriend,” Bradie interrupts.

“Where’s your girlfriend Bradie? Hmmm,” Andy teases.

Andy and Bradie wander off and continue to argue with each other, I check my phone and find I have a text from Brooke.

“Babe, I’m going out too so if I’m not back before you, then don’t wait up.”

What. Who is she going out with? Why is she only telling me now?  Maybe I should message her back, make sure it isn’t too invasive of who she is with, but don’t sound like you don’t care..

“Yeah that’s cool. Love you.”

Maybe it’s just one of her girlfriends, or family. But whoever it is I shouldn’t be worried or jealous, I mean she’s my girlfriend, right?

“PIGGY BACK!!” Andy screams as he jumps on my back, making my knees give way.

“Fuck! Get off!” I yell, pushing him off my back and onto the floor.

“Don’t worry Andy, the more you sleep on the floor, the more comfy it will be when you get kicked out of the house,” Bradie cheekily says, making Andy get up and punch him in the shoulder, “Ouch!”

“Guys, grow up,” annoyed and pissed off, I leave saying those final words to them.

Brooke messaged me back, took her long enough.

“Love you too.”

I may as well go home, Andy and Bradie’s fighting has just pissed me off and ruined the whole night, plus, we have a big day of recording tomorrow, so a goodnights sleep will do me good.

Brooke probably left a whole heap of housework, something for me to do tonight, oh well, at least Honey is at home.

Well what am I waiting for? What is stopping me from going home?

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