Starting Over

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Andy’s POV

I’ve lost my best friend. The only person who has been by my side for years and I’ve lost him. And it all started with a kiss. I never, ever pictured myself to be like this, to be attracted to the same sex, I never felt the urge to be with another guy until recently. I can’t change who I am, I can’t tell anyone else, with the fear of being shamed by society for being my true self. Some people think that being gay is a sin, that with some help they can be forgiven and this sin shall just pass, it’s more complicated than that. Being frowned upon by many, coming out and sharing with people your true self can be a difficult thing to do, sharing it with Bradie and Shaun was the hardest.

I go into my room and slam the door, so hard the whole house quakes, sit at the foot of my bed and cry tears of shame. You’ve fucked things up bad this time, Andy. The voices in my head, criticize me again…day after day.

All I long for is the sweet, gentle touch of Shaun’s lips on mine. Just to embrace him and have him tell me that everything will be ok. To see his broad, masculine body next to me when I wake up every morning…but it will forever just be a fantasy.

Suddenly…the ground is hard and this fantasy of mine comes crashing down.

I wake up.

I must’ve fallen asleep.

What time is it?

My phone flashes on, blinding me in the process. Once my eyes adjust I can finally see the time


I must’ve been asleep for hours.

As I pick myself up off the ground, all the memories of the previous day come flooding back. I check my messages and see there is a few missed calls from Bradie, along with a few desperate texts.

“Andy, are you ok? Shaun told me what happened. Please call me back, anything.”

“Brooke is at mine, she said that she went to yours and that she noticed you weren’t 100%. Call me!!”

At least someone cares about me, but he can wait.

I make my way to the kitchen where Thor is on his bed fast asleep, his tail already wagging as he knows I’m there.

I want to call Shaun but I feel it would be too awkward if I did, after what happened yesterday. Instead I decide to call Bradie, let him know I’m ok.

Hello?” he sounds as if he’s only just woken up himself.

Bradie, it’s me,” I say, as I search the fridge for something edible.

Andy! Omg! I’m so glad you’re ok,” he sounds almost relieved that I called.

What’s up?” I ask, “You seemed pretty desperate to talk to me yesterday, sorry I didn’t get back to you.”

“I just wanted to know you were ok, after what Brooke said, I was just worried.” He explains.

“Wait…what did Brooke say about me?” I question, anxiously waiting for him to reply.

She said that you looked really upset, did you see the bruises on her face?” he replies, moving off the subject of me and seeming more concerned for her.

“Yeah, I have a feeling it was that guy she is with,” I add, “He has bad news written all over him. “

“I think so too!” he exclaims, “Did you know that she is pregnant with Shaun’s kid?”

“Yes Bradie, I did speak to her before you did,” I added in again.

Ok, well I’m going to Shaun’s to see if he’s ok and to tell him that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant,” he says obviously hinting that he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore.

Ok well I’ll see you later on, I guess,” I say, I don’t want him to go, I like having someone to talk to, giving me that sense of being and comfort, “Bye...”

Brooke’s POV

I can’t let anyone know about the baby, yes Andy and Bradie already know but I can’t let them tell Shaun. If he finds out, I don’t know what to do. It’s bad enough that I had to call things off with James because of this thing growing inside me, but yet again maybe it was for the best…I wonder where Bradie is going. He was on the phone half an hour ago, to who knows who, and then he just said he was going out and left.

Oh god.

I hope he doesn’t go to Shaun’s. Maybe I should go after him.

Stop him before he gets to Shaun’s.

I clean myself up, add a layer of foundation to cover up the bruises from James, and head off to stop Bradie from ruining everything for me.

I make it to mine and Shaun’s old place just in time, Bradie is in his car, distracted by his Spider-man comics.

“BRADIE!” I scream at him, frustrated that he went behind my back, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?”

“Brooke, calm down,” he tries to relax me but it doesn’t work, “He needs to know.”

A part of me wants to yell and scream some more, another part or me wants to tell Shaun, make things right with him.

“I know, but let me tell him,” I say, feeling as if I get the father of my child back, my world would will be complete once again, “but I’ll need you for moral support.”

I make my way to the door, with Bradie by my side, giving me the confidence to face him. As I knock I can hear Honey inside, barking her head off and letting Shaun know there is someone here, and Shaun’s footsteps, echoing on the hollow floorboards.

The wait for him to open the door felt like hours, an anxious, dreaded couple of hours.

He opens the door and stares at me, the look in his eyes, the look of despair and full of pain I’ve only seen once before, which was before we got together.

“Brooke…” he says, his face lighting up with the sight of me.

“It’s me…babe,” I reassure him.

He hugs me and the feeling of his beating heart against my body, his strong, masculine arms wrapped around me, protecting me from everything that could harm me. The feeling of being his again, his one and only, it feels so surreal.    

“Shaun…” I begin, and take a deep breath, “I’m pregnant…”

He looks at me blankly.

As I wait for a reaction from him, I feel like that my oh-so-perfect-world has come crashing down again. Just a simple word, anything, just to let me know that he still loves me…anything.  

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