class dismissed

35 1 2

How much longer till this hell whole ends 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

"Class dismissed" the teacher called

I got up and walked out the class to see the bullies and mr smart

He goes by the name of james

He's the smarter side of the class room he is always getting good grades them bullies are just so jelly of him

"Oi leave him "

"Oh yeah what ya gonna do bout it ?"

This bully is already making me mad

"More then you think mr big guy "

"Ok ten mins me and you on the field ? "

"I'll be there"

" make sure you are joe "

"H-hey ... Thanks um... "

"Joe is my name " i put my hand out to introduce myself

"James.. Is mine " he shook my hand kinda shyly

" well i better be getting ready for this fight"

"D-don't get hurt b-because of me joe..."

" i won't " i say with a smirk

" good. I'll be watching "

" good to know " i shouted as i walked away from james

So first impression of james shy but cute i jolted down in my notes

I'm seeing a crowd of maybe like 20-30 teenage boy's on the bullies side and just James on mine suprise!

"You ready ?"

" I'm always ready "

"So how we gonna do this just say i won and joe sucks? "

"No we are gonna do a fight proper fight punches all that "

"W-what? "

"Why ya not scared are ya? "

"No! "

"Then let's get this show on the road"

" Fine!! You're dead"

" sure i am"

Bang i hit him he was so not ready everyone on his side gasped in shock they all THOUGHT I was a little skinny blonde haired boy who sits at the back

"We done here ? " i said in a cocky tone


"Good" i walked pass them lot and grabbed James's hand

"W-Wow joe!!! you can fight "

falling for the boxer 〽 ~Discontinued Cuz Im Done With Everything ~Where stories live. Discover now