Clashing Thunder

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"I hate you!" Lambo screamed at Gokudera with all his might, tears streaming down his cheeks as he glared at the Storm.

"Oh yeah!? Well so do I!" was what he was responded with by the teen with a hateful look.

Lambo could feel all his anger and sadness and anxiety bubbling up inside him and it was so suffocating and confusing, he felt like screaming his head off.

So he did.

He screamed with all his might, pouring out all the jumbled emotions from inside him, and ran out of the house in tears.

He doesn't know where to go, and he doesn't even care where he was going. As long as it's far away from that place.

With rain pelting down on him hard, it didn't take long for Lambo to be soaked through from head to toe. It was already dark and the tears in his eyes were only making it difficult for him to see but he didn't care. He has to keep moving. Further. Further!

When his legs could run no more, Lambo tumbled to a stop, knees dropping heavily to the ground with a thud. He was tired, physically and emotionally. He doesn't even know where he was and the rain was making him feel cold.

When he remembered about the fight he had with Gokudera earlier, he grittef his teeth and punched the ground in anger, ignoring the throbbing pain in his hands.

He screamed again in the rain, not even caring if somebody heard him or not. No, he does care if somrbody heard him. He wants to be heard. He's hurting, and he wants someone to notice it.

After another bout of screaming, Lambo finally calmed down enough to think, his throat hoarse from all the shouting he had done.

It was all just a stupid thing. It was just a stupid comment. But somehow, one way or another, it had gotten into something huge. In the end, they were both screaming and shouting hateful words at each other without meaning to.

Lambo knows how hurtful his words were. Especially when he said something about the Storm not being good enough for Tsuna-nii.

He was supposed to be kind just like Tsuna-nii had told him to! And as annoying as that Tako-head was, Lambo never hated him. He respected him!

But why!? Why had it turn out this way!? He was just trying to get closer to him! He was just trying to be a brother! So why...? Why...?

"Oh? What's a kid doing out here in the night, while it's raining too, by yourself?"

Lambo stiffened up when an unfamiliar voice spoke to him.

Lifting his head up from staring at the ground, he could blearily see a man with an umbrella in his hand standing in front of him.

Lambo's instinct kicked in, screaming at him to stay away from this man! To run away from here! But he was too exhausted and his body isn't listening to him!!

The man crouched down and stared at him. The rain was making it hard to see but Lambo could feel his stare on him, and he hated it.

When the man reached out to touch him, Lambo flinched and backed away from him, his shoulders were trembling from cold and disgust. No one can touch him but his Family!

Ignoring that, the man forcefully grabbed hold of his face and tilted it up, forcing Lambo to look at him.

"Hmm... such a pretty face. And you look rich too. I bet your family's loaded," the man smirked, making Lambo tremble even harder.

"Alright, you're coming with me."

His eyes widened at the man's word. When the man picked him up, Lambo tried to free himself. But due to his exhaustion, his struggle was feeble and pointless. The man just laughed at the weak resistance he was giving and walked towards somewhere.

Lambo wanted to scream. He wanted to call out for help. But all he could throw out was a soft no.

After a few minutes, he was unceremoniously dumped into the trunk of a car with a loud thump. He winced a bit from the impact but bit his lips so he wouldn't make any noise.

He looked back at his kidnapper and all he got to see was a creepy smile before he closed the trunk, plunging him into the darkness.

Lambo just laid there in a dazed state, breaths ragged and laboured. When his whole surrounding shook and jolted forward, Lambo finally snapped out of it and realised the situation he was in.

His whole body was shaking now. Either from cold or fear, he doesn't know. But all he could think of right now was the need to go back home. Back where it's safe and warm. Back to where Gokudera was. Back to where his brother was.

"I want to go home..." he whispered, curling into a fetal position and whimpered in distress.

While he was crying, he suddenly remembered about his phone.

"Ph-phone! My phone!" He croaked as he fumbled around, trying to find the device. When he found it inside one of the pockets, he clumsily took it out and dialled the number that he saw first and waited.

When the audible click he was so familiar with was heard, he sobbed in relief.

"H-Hayato-nii..." he called out, voice hoarse and wet from all the crying he's been doing.

"Lambo. Lambo, what's wrong?" He would have laughed at how worried and so out of place Gokudera's voice was but all he could think about was how relieved he was to hear him.

"Hayato-nii..." he called out again, his line of vision somehow getting darker than it was before. "Help me..." he said into the phone before he finally gave into the exhaustion.


I honestly have no idea how to end this. Like, I only thought, "let's get Lambo kidnapped and have Gokudera save him," and BAM! This is what you got. But I have no clue how to write the saving part. Any ideas??

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