chapter 2

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I woke up in the middle of the night.

The first thing I saw was lightning. It paralyzed me. I could not move. Since I was a child, I am afraid of a storm, and the fact that my makeshift bed was under the window further worsened the matter. With the arrival of another lightning bolt, I automatically jumped onto my bed, where my friend slept. I hugged him very hard and nestled in his chest. When it thundered, I tightened my grip, which made me wake up the person who fell asleep in my bed first.

-What is it?-He asked, sleepy.

-There is a storm-I said, in a voice of a beleaguered child.


-I'm afraid- I said before another lightning struck somewhere nearby. It paralyzed me again. I nestled even deeper into his chest. He'd probably feel weird about this situation,but,suprisingly,he hugged me back. I was terrified. The tears started to drip down my face. I'm not overreacting,I'm just afraid. As always,my friend started to telling me "don't be afraid,I'm here" which i don't like,because,hey,you won't make people less scared by saying "don't be scared". Anyways,I grabbed the corner of my quilt and covered us,so I wasn't be able to see the bolts. I didn't even know when I fell asleep. I woke up to an empty bed. I walked downstairs to check if my friend is not here. He was in the kitchen,making something that looked like pancakes. I quietly walk closer to him and then I grabbed his arms. He jumped. I was laughing so hard,that the tears started to roll down my face.

-Ha,ha,very funny-he said annoyed.

-Anyways... Why are you making "breakfast"?

-Because your sister left about an hour ago. She left this note.

I grabbed a little scrap of paper and read what was written on it

"Hi Yuki

I went on a trip with my boyfriend. I will be back for 3 days. Hope your friend will take a good care of you. See ya.


-Hope she didn't dold my parents about you- I said

-She promised me,that she will not tell them

-Wait.. You talked to my sister?!?

-Yeah. I woke up about half an hour before hers output. I walked downstairs,because I was hungry. When she saw me, she was shocked. I explained everyyhing to her. She was looking at me weirdly,bur she promised that she won't tell anyone.

-Alright-I said. After a while,the pancakes were ready. The man carried them to the living room. I decided to deal with putting the juice in a jug. Of course, before I reached the living room, I fell over, pouring juice and smashing the jug.

-You are a terrible clumsy-he said. I stood up, feeling something leaking from my hand. Blood. A shard of glass stuck into my palm deep enough to barely be seen. It hurt like hell. My friend called an ambulance because he had no driving license and we lived in a typical remote area. For a few days I had to stay in the hospital because the glass was deep enough that they have to keep me watching. The pain was terrible. On the day in which it happened, I passed out completely 3 times

a story about masks,game and friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now