Chapter 3

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After a week I returned home from the hospital. I will not tell you how it was there because there was ... just like in a hospital. A lot of patients, operations and generally such things.
After I finally came home (thanks to my best friend) the Happy Mask Salesman literally jumped on me,hugging me so hard that I was barely able to breathe
-h-hey ... I can't ... breathe ... - I said in a weak voice, and the salesman let me go almost immediately.
-sorry- he said. I smiled softly. I know that he missed me,because he wasn't be able to visit me in the hospital. I looked back and saw my friend. She was just standing there and smiling like she won a billion dollars.
-It's not what you think...- I said.
-Yeahh... He's totally not your boyfriend-she said
-What?! You really think that WE will be a couple?
-let's face it; you two match. Besides, this guy is quite handsome, right?
-yeah, say it to yourself, and I'll start pinching you on the cheek.- After I said this,she get out. I walked upstairs and then I get to my room. I fell on my bed and I fell asleep. I was up all day and night,so I was pretty tired. The next day I woke up pretty early,and saw someone with pointy ears sleeping next to me. I smiled,because most of people look really cute when they are sleeping. He is one of them. When I moved carefully,because I wanted to check the hour on my phone,he hugged me and moved his face closer to my neck. I blushed deeply. I decidet to take the risk and I moved once again. I finally got my phone in my hand. I turned it on
-5 AM- I whispered. I decided to put the phone under the pillow.
-You know that I'm not sleeping?- My friend looked at me.
-Well,I guess that we should go make some breakfast..
-No. I won't let you touch anything that is made out of glass.
-Alright..-I said. Then the Happy Mask Salesman walked downstairs. After a few minutes,he brought me breakfast to bed.
-Thank you- I said. -By the way,you know where's my sister? She should be back already..
-I don't know...
-Well,I guess that we will have some peace now..
I started to eating. Salesman have made me some pancakes,which I actually love. When I finally finished,I got dressed. I choosed my favourite outfit; white shirt,jeans and white trainers,because I decided to go out with my friend. But I won't tell you where we've been. 😊

a story about masks,game and friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now