Chapter 4

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This one might be a bit sad

I choosed my favourite outfit; white shirt,jeans and white trainers,because I decided to go out with my friend. But I won't tell you where we've been. 😊

Ok,ok. We've been on a concert! I was so freaking hyped on this one,that when they started to play my favourite song,I literally started to cry from happiness. This song reminds me about my mom,because she really like this song. After the concert ended,we decided to go for some ice cream,which reminds me about my childhood. I'm not saying that I'm an adult. I'm only 17 years old,so.. Anyways,when we finished our ice cream,we went home. The salesman go upstairs to change his clothes. After a few minutes,I decided to go to my room,where he was changing. When I got there,I decided to quietly open the doors. When I opened the door,I was shocked. The salesman was so skinny that I could see all his bones. I decided to walk closer. He still didn't noticed me. When I was close enough, I kissed him on the neck. Finally, he turned to me, showing me his ribs, because I would not call it a chest. He also noticed that tears were coming into my eyes.

-Hey,don't cry. It's not like I have anorexia or something like that. On the contrary. You've seen how much I eat.- My eyes still was filled with tears. He hugged me. I hugged him back carefully,because I was afraid that if I hug him harder I would break all his bones.

-So now you will handle me like a porcelain doll?-he said, laughing softly.

-Yes. You're my porcelain doll.-I said. I looked up and saw him smiling softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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