The beginning

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The whole world gathered together to witness the beautiful thing that will happen. All living things will be visible and they will discover the change in their life in the future. They will seek the most powerful magic that everyone wants to be their own but now someone had a grip of it.

But his greed became bad to all living creatures and it suddenly disappeared like foam in his life. It brought trouble to all even the magic that it had the scary of the curse not to try again to handle or harbor them. Whoever gets it may be damned or worse it will take its life but if it's going to take control of its magic the fate is on his/her hand now.

The magic that will automatically come to her/him to give its power but this charm has already been forgotten but to others its not because of the enormous power it wants to have and they want it to get.

Can the world ever change into a better place where they used to live with the help of someone? or will it stay silent and full of darkness without seeing the light?

Forsaken MagicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon