Will you....

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Winter Formal.  An event most girls in Mila's class looked forward to alongside Homecoming and Prom.  For her, it was just another moment to see the popular kids come into a dance with their hidden flasks pretending to be friends until one of them are named the Queen while the others are the less than loyal subjects.  It was just one of the reasons she found herself with guys as friends rather than other females.  Like most dances, Mike had asked Mila to go with him.  However, unlike most dances they were dating now. 

Mila wasn't sure what exactly to call Mike.  He hadn't officially asked her to be his girlfriend yet.  But it had also just been about a week since their first date.  Since then they continued to kiss and hold hands all of which she enjoyed and looked forward to.  He would pick her up in the mornings and walk with her to her homeroom where he would leave her but only after a chaste kiss to her lips.  After school, Mike would usually study with her or go to their spot at the park where they'd watch the guys be idiots.  The others had noticed that their date had gone well and while they were happy for them, also made sure to tease them every chance they got.

Knocking on the door of the Shinoda Household, Donna opened the wooden barrier with a smile to the young woman who stood there with her mother.  Mila loved Mike's family, from his mother to his little brother, they were practically her second family.  They always accepted her the moment she stepped foot into their house.  Donna had even taken it a step further and befriend not only Mari, but also Theresa.  Now Mila couldn't remember many times when the three of them weren't somehow talking.

"Mila you look beautiful.  Mari didn't do that dress justice when she described it to me.  I love it,"  Donna commented hugging her.  Mila wore a deep red dress with a high neck which had a mesh like material that held beading over a sweetheart bodice.  The beading ended around her waist with a satin fabric taking over and flaring out just a bit before it ended just an inch and a half above her knees.  Her hair was done in soft curls and pinned away from her face which Mari had done herself in the master bathroom.  Her make-up was natural and dewy which didn't make her look older than sixteen at all something Donna appreciated especially when Mila was naturally beautiful.  On her feet were a pair of matching heels that Mari was sure would be off her daughters feet after only a couple of dances. 

"Thank you," Mila smiled moving to the side to let Mari greet the woman.  Muto, Mike's father, entered the entry way giving her a hug letting her know that she looked fantastic. Ever since she had met Muto, he would always make sure to say something to her that boasted her self-esteem.  He was a caring and loving man even if he didn't always show the ladder outwardly.  Mila imagined that Muto was what most fathers were like when they were good and cared for their children.  Something she had only witnessed with her Grandfather.

Walking into the living room, Mike walked down the stairs seeing his best friend and her mother in his home.  He greeted Mari with a kiss on the cheek before turning to the girl who was there for him.  "You look beautiful," He smiled enjoying the blush that crept into her face.

"Thank you.  You look really nice," Mila said feeling lame at her words.  He wore dress pants with dress shoes and a matching deep red top with a black tie.  His hair was styled and contacts were in.  It wasn't lost on either of them the looks on the parents faces.  It was a mix of finding this moment absolutely adorable, kinda like if kittens were cuddled together, and also happiness.  After a couple of photos for the parents, all of which were posed by the mother's, the pair set off to the school where the formal was being held.  As always, Mike's hand held onto hers not only in the car but also walking into the gym where the dance was. 

One thing Mila always had to give to the student planning committee was their amazing work at turning a boring gym into something amazing.  Tables were set up around the far side of the gym with light blue table clothes on top with tall vases with different white colored flowers.  Fabrics of different hues of blue and white were hung from the ceiling making the room look elegant.  String lights and light up snowflakes also hung around illuminating the gym with a delicate ambiance.  The pair waited to walk in further knowing that they had to pose for a picture first before they could even step into the magical wonderland that was created.  When the time came they stood in front of more string lights, light up snowflakes and blue and white fabric.  Unlike all the dance prior, Mila and Mike got a bit creative with their photos.  Knowing that the parents would want a 'nice' picture for their walls, Mike wrapped his arms around her waist while she placed one of hers on his chest as they smiled for the camera.  During their second one, Mila leaned up kissing his cheek popping her foot up behind her as he smiled at her. 

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