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(A/N- Not the best chapter but you can't win them all.)

Mike knew he was in trouble the moment he saw the looks on his parents faces.  Suspended.  That was the word that they had heard when each of them had picked up their phones at their individual workplaces and without ever having to hear their voice on the line, he knew they would be anything but happy.  What parent would be? Your kid got in trouble at school and now they wouldn't be allowed back for a couple of days.  No parent in their right mind would be okay with that.  At least no good parent would.

Growing up, he had never really been one to get into trouble or fight.  Obviously that hadn't really changed when he got older.  Mike had always pride himself on being a good person and not using his fists to settle anything. However, in his eyes, this was a good reason to get into a fight.  Looking at the expression on his mom and Dad's face though, he knew it would take a bit of persuading to get them to see the same.

"I know you are both angry, but I can explain," Mike began standing from his seat on the couch in the living room. 

"Sit down, Michael," His father told him quietly standing in front of him with his wife beside him.  Unlike Donna, Muto did not cross his arms or narrow his eyes at their oldest son.  Instead, he just looked disappointed which Mike felt was ten times worse than being angry at him. Anger he could handle. The thought of letting his parents down though, not a chance. 

"Why, Michael?" Donna asked him gesturing with her hands.  "Never, in the seventeen years you have been on this earth, have you gotten into a fight.  Why start now?"

"He was making Mila uncomfortable.  She asked him to stop and he didn't so she went to a couple of teachers who also did nothing.  He had her cornered and I had to do something," Mike said calmly even though with reciting the reason made his body hot with anger again.

"Why don't you start from the beginning," Muto mentioned earning a nod from his son.  Mike sighed softly before opening his mouth.

Mila was quiet and it was obvious that she was uncomfortable.  The girl who usually didn't mind going to school was now one that hated the idea of walking through the doors to the building.  "Are you going to be okay?" He asked her as they walked towards the room where her chemistry class was held.  It was the class that created anxiety in Mila and one she recently began wanting to skip.

Silently, she nodded squeezing his hand accepting the kiss to her lips before walking into the classroom.  The feeling of not wanting to leave her there, in the room he knew the boy that had been harassing her was in, took over his body and mind.  What made it worse was that Brent was her chem partner and Mila had no choice but to work with him.  The whole thing made Mike feel sick and he promised Mila silently to himself that he would make that kid pay for anything he did to her. 

When the time came for him to meet Mila outside the classroom, he was surprised to find that her backpack and notebook were still in the room, but she was not.  Mike looked around trying to figure out where she could have gone when something caught his eye in between the sea of students gave him that answer.  There she was, against the wall near the girl's room with her body turned sideways while Brent's arms were on either side of her boxing her in. 

"Come on, Cams.  Just one date with me and Shinoda will be a distant memory," Mike heard Brent tell her taking one of his hands away from the wall stroking her face.

"Only Mike can call me 'Cams'," Mila told him trying again to get away from where she stood while batting his hand away.

"Come on, baby.  Give me a chance."

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