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ASDFGHJKL YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!! We reached over 30K reads and almost at 7K votes!! The amount of support i've recieved has been mind blowing. 

A lot of you have asked me about this story I'd show this publisher, which i'm pretty sure will be rejected but what an experience. 

Once i perfect the blurb i'll post it. Its a fantasy fiction originally written as a year 9 english assignment. I've rewritten most of it and done SO much editing. Its kind of a mix of Narnia/Game of Thrones/Alice in Wonderland. Its a bit weird but it love it :) 

This is really short but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR VOTING/READING/FOLLOWING and your comments mean the world to me. I read every single one and you all make me smile so much xx

Bree x

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