A Family?

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Jimin huddled on the street corner, his arms wrapped around his body in an attempt to conserve body heat.

His bandmates had kicked him out into the winter snow, saying that he had been sub-par in the rehearsal today and that he had to stay outside as a punishment. Hoseok had texted him, telling him to run away... But he couldn't walk. Tears slipped out of his eyes as he pushed the memories back into his head.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it out of his head. Yoongi and Namjoon's hands, roaming, pinching, bruising... The pain as they... As they...

Jimin broke into a round of sobs, echoing in the alley around him. The way the alphas had acted towards him was too reminiscent of the way the alpha guards of his childhood had acted. Seven dead babies, seven dead babies! He cried harder.

Jimin was too deep in subspace to realise when another person came into view. It was only when they exclaimed, "Oh my god!" with an Australian accent that he looked up.

Standing in front of him was Rosé from Blackpink, extreme concern on her face as she knelt down. "Unnie!" She exclaimed, pulling Jimin's arms away from his face, "He's in subspace!"

Jennie moved closer towards him, cautiously. She was aware that an omega only dropped into subspace after extreme trauma, more often than not meaning bad encounters with an alpha. As she moved slightly forward, she was suddenly struck with a scent of warm cookies and watermelon. She frowned. "It's Jimin, from BTS. The one who takes scent repressants. They're wearing off, he's an omega."

Rosé frowned, gently tugging her thick coat around the trembling boy. "He's as cold as ice. Should we take him to his dorm?"

This got a rise out of the boy. "No!" He exclaimed, grabbing onto the omega in front of him. "Please no, no!!" He teared up again, imagining what the members would do if he was brought back by their sunbaenims... The punishment....!! Without realising, he let out a tortured wail just thinking about it, bursting into loud, distressed sobs.

Shocked by this development, and understanding who had pushed the boy this deep into subspace, Rosé quickly pulled him into a warm embrace. She pushed his cold face into her neck, feeling his tears dripping down her slim neck. She shuddered as they passed over her pack bites, and noticed the lack of any on the omegas neck. Trembling with fury, she pushed it down, focusing on the broken omega in her arms. "It's alright," she whispered into his ear, gently stroking his hair, "We won't make you go back. We promise."

Jennie moved forwards, pulling the boys chin so she could wipe his face gently. As he met her eyes, she smiled and tickled the underside of his chin, smiling brighter as she drew an adorable giggle out of the boy. "How about you come stay with your noonas, huh?" She asked, "It's warm and dry, and we'll be happy to have you with us."

Jimin looked down and nodded shyly. He knew he shouldn't, but his sunbaenims had been more kind to him than anyone had in his entire life! When Jennie had lifted his chin and wiped his face, he had felt safe and protected, and he didn't want to lose that feeling. So he agreed.

Jennie smiled, before helping Rosé lift the boy up. Once the omega had him secured in her arms, they set off back to their dorm, with occasional snuffling sounds coming from the blonde boy.

Once they arrived at the dorm (It's Blackpink House, BTW), they pushed open the door to see Lisa and Jisoo snuggling on the couch. Lisa happily stood up to greet them, but stopped when she saw the fragile form in Rosé's arms. "Oh my god." Jisoo stood up too, walking up to the trio. "What happened?"

Rose sat down on the couch, pulling her warm coat off of the boy and revealing Jimin's face. Jisoo and Lisa stared in shock. Wasn't Jimin a part of the BTS pack? What was he doing here, bruised and tear stained? When Rosé moved to put him on the cream couch, he whimpered, refusing to move. "What's the matter?" She asked, curiously. "I'll bleed on it," he whimpered, "th-they didn't p-prep me b-before t-t-they..." Rosé pulled him into her lap again, gently reassuring the boy. Lisa sat down next to her. "What happened, Jimin?" She asked, aware that Jisoo and Jennie were listening. She pulled his slim form onto her body, letting Rosé shed some layers and gain some comfort from her alphas. Looking into the boys broken eyes, she sighed sympathetically. Something within her growled that this was her pup, someone hurt her pup! Shaking herself out of it, she asked again, "What happened, pup?" That question broke Jimin.

With a wail, he started to explain everything. Between gulping sobs he explained his life in the sex trade, his dead babies, how he thought he'd escaped the abuse, how he took suppressants to prevent being hurt again, how he thought he'd be safe in BTS but he could never escape the pain, how they'd raped him and they'd come inside and he might be pregnant again and he doesn't think he can take another death, he can't he can't HE CAN'T!!!!

By the end, Rosé was weeping in Jennie's arms, who was stood there absolutely horrified by everything she'd heard. Lisa had tears streaming down her pale cheeks, holding the sobbing boy in her arms and whispering reassurances that she wouldn't let him go through that again, she promised. Jisoo had recorded the whole rant and sent it to YG, asking what they should do. She too had tears falling down her face, but she wiped them away and focused on the problem at hand.

Eventually, Jimin cried himself to sleep in Lisa's arms, and she lifted him up with ease. "We're not sending him back," she said with determination. "My omega's accepted him as my pup."

Rosé pulled away, "Mine's the same," she admitted, wiping her face, "Ever since I saw him crying my omega's been screaming at me to protect him."

Jennie admitted that her alpha was also protective over the boy. "I want to make him pack." She stated.

Jisoo smiled. "I already asked YG. He said that if Jimin wants to, we can. He's also going to get in touch with Bang Sihyuk PD Nim, and send him the recording. For now though, we need to find Jimin a place to sleep."

Unsure as to whether the omega would be comfortable sharing a bed, the girl group pulled a bunch of pillows and sheets out of every available area and made a comfortable nest. After placing the pup in the nest, they covered him with four blankets and gave him a stuffed dolphin to hold. Satisfied that he was comfortable, the girls went to bed, however, they didn't sleep. Each was up for at least another hour, hoping that Jimin would accept being a pack so they could treat him as he should be treated.

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