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My head spins as I lay on the cold stone floor, trying to fully regain consciousness again. I sit up but realise that I still can't even see straight so I immediately lie down again, closing my eyes, forcing a migraine away. Although I'm probably not helping it in any way at all.

After a while of of staring up at the cloudless blue sky, through the hole in which I fell down, I begin to process thoughts normally again. My first one is obviously, simply 'What the actual hell...?'

But eventually I manage to push myself off of the cold, smooth floor.

Looking around I can't see much, my only source of light is the light from the hole in the ceiling, which is causing a spotlight of sunlight to form in the middle of, what seem to be, a cave. Possibly a manmade cave though. Everything looks too refined and perfect to be natural.

"HELLOOOOO?" I yell, louder than I've ever spoke before.

"LITTLE HELP HERE!" I carry on but no reply come out of the darkness surrounding me. Nothing feels right. It doesn't seem normal, why though?

"Because you just fell down a fudging hole into a dark cave and now you are supposedly stuck. That's why." I answer my own question immediately after I thought of it.

Suspicion begins to overcome me as I silently step towards a wall in the far corner. It honestly seems like a box cut out of the land. The dripping of water can be heard as one by one tiny water droplets drop off the end of a stalactite continually making it longer as each second ticks by.

I scratch the back of my head before placing my hand on the equally smooth wall. I lean gently, wondering if its possible to reach high enough to climb out.

I stumble awkwardly to the middle and simply try and reach upwards. Evidently I'm not tall enough as I can't reach the ceiling even on tiptoes. That idea would never work anyway. I begin to jump and while I can physically touch the rim and the sides of the hole I fell down its clearly not enough to pull myself out with. I carry on however, trying to gain some kind of grip on the sides but even when I do I usually fall off within seconds.

After many failed attempts I give up and walk back to the furthest corner.

Could Toby have done this? He would have had to been quick if it was him. Even though it seems improbable, I feel a fire of hatred burning in my heart. In this one second I swear vengeance to him. He ruined everything, and I'm going to make him pay.

Some amount of time passes as I sit cross-legged on the floor, head back against the corner where the two walls meet. It's really uncomfortable but I don't mind really, I'm not really noticing it until now, when I've started to think about it.

I'm going to have to get out- one way or another.

"UGHHHH!" I sigh loudly.

Suddenly I hear a quiet voice to the left of me. I jump up afraid of what it might be but I still don't see anything.

I notice the whole back wall seems to be moving slightly to the left... And it carries on going.

I see a pitch black tunnel behind it as it finally stops moving.

It must have moved almost 3 meters or something. Who knew walls could move.

I spot something move in the shadows of the tunnel and I hear an unfamiliar sigh.

A person's figure emerges and I stare at them until they meet my gaze. I see their eyes, their face. I don't recognise it either.

"Hello?" The figure says out of the blue.

I don't reply. I can't reply.

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Hey! New chapter! Yay! And it's longer too! :D

Right! Entirely new character meaning I want YOU to give me your character!

Simply tell me their-

Name, age, gender, looks, personality and any special backstory you have too!

I'll pick the one I feel suits the character the most, but I may carry on adding more and more of your characters as the story progresses!

But for now! BYE! <3 

An Ocean Full of Memories (Yogscast Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now