I hate this one-sided society that says women are fragile and deserve respect from all men under and circumstances. But, as an educated and LOGICAL thinker, did, said woman earn that respect? The answer is not too easy to explain, but still very simple to understand. Men must work for more than half of their lifetime, just to earn respect of some kind. But women, on the other hand get praised, for what, being a woman? No, no,no. See the minority of thinkers believe to receive respect,tourist earn it. Man or woman. I am one of those thinkers, not giving in to our society and following a bullshit norm that only benefits women. The reason why women are mainly seen as week and fragile is because they dug themselves this grave and don't intend to crawl out, simply out of fear that their hands or nails will get dirty. And feminists worsened this by claiming to be empowered but play the cards as soon as the waves hit the shores. There is no equality and blaming men for this is irrational. Women allowed for this to happen by silencing their own voices. I'm sorry for going a bit off topic but I needed to rant. Anyway, back to the point, respect is EARNED, not given. And the sooner we as humans realize this, the better this will get.