In every philosophical question follows another philosophical answer that would come up with an extraordinary story telling the tale of how someone first thought of it.
When I was still a kid, I always asked my grandmother a lot of things about the beauty of the universe itself. I remember staring blankly at a lavishing midnight sky thinking about the enigmas surrounding the earth. Then suddenly I always end up running towards her because my cousins always scare me about a flying monster around. I was a coward back then. Thus, my grandmother carefully massages my back making me comfortable and secure around her arms.
"Hush my child, you know nothing about the whole world yet. You know what scares me the most? Seeing you grow up without me by your side. Seeing you face reality by yourself."
Grandma, always told me to live life how I wanted it to be lived by me because for her, life is not about pretending or dwelling with all the shits of it, life is about being real to yourself. Being real means living your life not just to please others. It's like living without the fear and anxiety of other's opinions about what you are doing, what kind of clothes you are wearing, how weird you are, or etc.
Thus, when she died, I've lost all the colors in one that she built inside me. And the most painful thing there,
it's not just her that I've lost, I also lost myself.
PoetryCompilation of late night thoughts from yours truly. The feeling that your thoughts are keeping you awake late at night is the most fearful yet amazing why? Because first it's freaky how you imagined random stuffs clouding up your mind. Second it c...