Normal Days

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It was just any ordinary day at camp, new campers lost, others listening to music on their phones. I didn't do much everyday my usual friends from last year weren't here, so I had to make new friends from my classes. Then I saw him. He was playing some game on the WII. I wasn't so focused on the game, I was more focused on how hard he was concentrating. It's nice to have a person in your life that concentrates on you, they'll listen, great for relationships. I didn't know if I should go and introduce myself or just watch from afar. Keeping distance was always the best thing for me, especially since nobody really knows about me. I felt a rush of heat come across my body as I walked towards him. "Hello." I said quietly. He looked into my eyes, I could feel my face turning red. "Sup." He replied. I didn't know what to do,so I just sat down next to him as he continued playing his game. "So...what are you playing?" I asked, obviously it was Mario,but I wanted to make small talk. He looked at me with a strange look and asked, " You don't know what Mario is?" He said then did a cute chuckle. "Of course, I was just testing you." I said. He stretched his arms and legs, I tried my best not to stare. "Are you an Overnight camper?" He asked. "Yeah," I replied "I'm Chris, what's your name?" He was probably thinking of something else because he didn't reply very quickly. Quietly he mumbled, " James." There for a moment we just sat there in total silence. Being in silence gave me anxiety, so I accidentally blurted out," What dorm are you in?" Obviously by his facial expression he didn't like loud noises either, he said, " 301. You?" I usually always get the same dorm each year but this year I got a different number, 301. "Same." I replied. Inside I know I was so excited I could've burst then and there,but on the outside I was Calm Chris. He decided to get up to get a head start to his next class," Well, see you tonight roomie." With that he left.

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