Chapter Four - Bentley

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I closed the door behind me and walked back to the kitchen to finish the scrambled eggs. What was up with this girl? Elysia? What even was that? And the year...1758? I just didn't understand what was going on. Was she being serious? Was she brainwashed? Or on some hardcore drugs?

I stirred the eggs a little more before shutting off the oven and putting some on two plates. I opened the silverware drawer and put a fork on each plate. I went back to the guest bedroom and handed Talia a plate. I sat down at the foot of the bed and started eating.

She started eating in silence and we sat like that for a while.

I don't think we knew what to say...we both probably assumed the other was crazy or something. It was just so far-fetched and so improbable...but what if it was true? What if there was another world out there or something like that? And if there was, how did she get here? I just didn't know what to think of it.

"So it's 2014 and we're in America?" She asked softly.

I nodded.

She nodded back and took another bite. Her hands shook a little as she put the fork to her mouth and she avoided all eye contact as she ate timidly.

"How did you get here?" I blurted.

She gently put her fork down and finished chewing. "I went into this room and it only had this mirror in it. I was just looking at it, then I touched it and it rippled like the surface of water when you touch it, but it showed this place-" She pointed outside, referring to Times Square. "and then I held my hand there and it felt like it was sucking me in and now, here I am."

She had to be on drugs. There was no other explanation. What she was telling me was could not happen like that. I shook my head in disbelief.

"You don't believe me." She stated.

"It's hard to...I've never heard anything so outrageous." I replied softly. I watched her for a moment.

She looked down and sighed in exasperation. Her hands were still shaking slightly. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and then clasped her hands together. Her rosebud-shaped lips were pursed together.

I had never realized how pretty she was. I glanced away quickly and grabbed both of our plates. I walked into the kitchen and set the plates into the sink. I filled Jax's food and water bowl, then went back to Talia.

I wondered if she was telling the truth. She didn't look like somebody who would make something up or do drugs. Maybe we could check it out at a library...or find the mirror she was saying she fell through.

Talia looked up as I walked in, her doe-eyed stare focused on me.

"Well, how about getting those clothes I promised you?" I asked, trying to raise the mood.

The corners of her mouth turned up. "Th-th-that would-d-d be nice."

I gave her a huge smile and offered her my hand.

She placed her soft hand in mine and I led her out of the guest bedroom. She felt so fragile, like I could break her if I even gently squeezed her hand. "I have to get ready, and then I'll be ready, okay?" I said as I stopped outside of my room.

She nodded. "Alright."


By 2:00, we had several pairs of jeans, 4 skirts, 7 t-shirts, 5 blouses, 5 dresses and 3 pairs of shoes. Luckily, I had a good paying job to pay for everything. And I didn't mind helping her. It was weird, but I felt like I should help her. I didn't know what it was that was making me do this, but I felt like I needed to.

She was quiet and didn't talk too much. She was actually quite awkward, but I didn't mind. It wasn't an awkward awkward, but a nice awkward. And she was gorgeous. Her eyes were like the color of clear the color of the sky on a clear day. Her hair contrasted with her nature. It was very red and long, looking like flames pouring down onto her back. It went down to about her waist in soft waves. She was also quite pale, making her look like a porcelain doll.

I shook my head as she realized I was staring at her. "Come on." I walked toward the nearest library, looking behind every now and again to make sure she was behind me. I opened the door for her and and went into the cool air conditioning. I walked over to a computer and sat down. I patted the seat next to me for her to sit in.

She sat down demurely and folded her hands in her lap.

I opened up the Internet and typed in "Elysia" into the search engine. Some things came up and I clicked on the first one. A picture of a magnificent castle came into view and I heard Talia gasp quietly. I scrolled down and read the article.

"Elysia is a magical kingdom located in a remote area of the world. Nobody knows the location of it, but many suspect it is located in eastern Europe or Russia. Only few have gone there and come back. Witnesses say they get there through mirrors. They are scattered throughout the world. The locations are once again unknown. It is a land where technology has not advanced and time is behind ours by several centuries. It is said that the mirrors to get back to the real world from Elysia have been destroyed, but it is uncertain. Nobody has seen anybody come from Elysia to the rest of the world for several decades and those who have have been long forgotten and didn't stir lots of public attention. Only 3 witnesses remain in the world.

Wesley Goldana

Georgetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Marrianne Weston

Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom

Henrie Gogol

Kiev, Ukraine"

I stared at the computer in wonderment. This was an actual place? She wasn't kidding? I looked at her.

"That's my home." She pointed to the picture. "I live there...with my 3 sisters, my father and my father's subjects. I don't understand....What is this thing? Is it magic? It shows pictures and words. You can put in words and take them out."

I smiled. "It's a computer and it's not's just technology. That's where you live?"

She nodded, her eyes wide.

"Okay." I said, thinking about what to do. We had to go to the witnesses. See what they know. I had to get her back somehow. It would take a lot of money to see all of these people, but I had to do it for Talia. I know she wanted back and she would. All we had to do was talk to the witnesses and find her mirror. I just hope she remembered where the mirror was.


That's the fourth chapter! Things are starting to roll and get more into the plot line. I'll fix things later and add more detail once I'm done with this whole thing. What do you think of it? I'm also open to ideas that you want to see in here! Also, please give me your feedback on what you like and what I need to work on! Thanks so much for your support! Please comment, vote and subscribe! Thank you for reading! On the right is the Elysian castle that the king and Talia live in.

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