Chapter Three - Talia

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A bright light hit my eyes and I opened one to see what it was. The sun was just rising and one ray was shining through the curtains and landed right on my face. I sat up the slightest bit; my neck was sore from sleeping in an odd position. I winced as I tried to look around for a clock. I eventually saw one in what looked like a very small kitchen. I squinted as I tried to read what it said.


I yawned and stretched to get the blood flowing again. I quietly padded over to the bathroom.

My dress was still dripping lots of water. I sighed. It was my favorite and it matched my eyes perfectly. The tailor made sure to make the perfect dresses for our first ball in three years. I stretched my hand out and stroked the soft material. I reminded me of home, for some strange reason.


How was I going to get back? That mirror had taken me here! Could it take me back? I didn't even know where another mirror like that would be! Father will be going nuts by now and the girls are probably worried sick. Oh, why did this have to happen? I collapsed onto the floor and stared at the dress. I was in a strange place in a stranger's odd, small house. This man could hurt me or do something awful. But I feel like he won't. He looked very genuine about everything and he has been very kind and understanding. But I don't want to burden him with my presence. I would have to find some way back to Elysia.

I heard a door open and Bentley walk down the hallway. I sprung up and quickly composed myself in the mirror. My hair was out of control and the skin around my eyes was slightly red and puffy. I turned on the faucet and splashed some of the cool water onto my face. I dried my face with the towel hanging next to the mirror and then tried to brush through my tangled hair with my fingers. Once I felt I was more presentable, I walked out of the bathroom.

Bentley was bent over some weird thing with a pan on it. He was stirring something inside of it. He turned around and smiled slightly. "Good morning...are you hungry?"

I hadn't really eaten anything since yesterday. I nodded so I wouldn't make a fool of myself with my stuttering.

"What would you like?"

"Uhh..." What could he make? I was used to just getting mushy oatmeal and some fruit. "W-w-what are you m-m-making?"

"Scrambled eggs."

"Well t-t-then, I-I-I'll have t-t-that." I really wish I didn't stutter. Father even had the best specialists from everywhere try to help me with it, but it just didn't work.

He smiled again and continued stirring.

I sat down on the couch, folding my hands in my lap. I didn't really know what to do since I didn't know him all too well.

"So where are you from?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

"Elysia." I answered softly.

"Hmm....never heard of it." He added.

"It's bordered by Antagne and Mormant." I stated. He had to have heard of those countries; there just as well-known as Elysia.

He turned around and gave me a puzzled look. "I have never heard of those places at all...Did you hit your head or something?"

I was appalled. He'd never heard of them? "No, I didn't."

"What year is it?"

"1758." I answered, confidently. I knew this for a fact. It was Annalise's 16th birthday yesterday.

His jaw dropped. He closed it abruptly and shook his head. "Are you positive you didn't hit your head?"

I nodded. Why did he think that? "Yes! I-I-Is it a d-d-different year h-h-here?"

"It's 2014."

All of the sudden, I felt like the wind was knocked out of me and I lost all feeling in my body. It wasn't possible for it to be that year. Where had the mirror taken me? I don't understand anything at all. It just wasn't possible. My head felt like it was spinning so quickly, and my eyes couldn't focus. Everything was blurry, then black.


"Talia? Talia?" Bentley's face came into focus as the blackness faded away.

My head had suddenly stopped spinning, but there was a searing pain behind my eyes. "Yes?" I whispered.

"Are you alright?" His voice was soft and gentle as he asked me that.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I shut it and sighed quietly. I just didn't understand what was going on, or where I was, or what was even happening.

"I think you actually hit your head this time." Bentley smiled.

I laughed quietly. "I probably did."

He lifted his hand toward my head. "Do you mind...?"

"It's fine."

He placed his hand on the back of my head and moved it until he hit a tender spot.

I winced.

"That's a pretty big bump on the back of your head." He stated. "You should probably lie down...on a real bed, instead of the couch."

I nodded. I tried to stand up, but my legs just kept giving out.

"Here." He held out his hand.

I grabbed it and tried once more. My legs starting shaking at the knees, and I, once again, started to crumble to the floor, but this time Bentley caught me.

"Hold on." He muttered and scooped me up. He started walking to the hallway before I could even protest. He went past the bathroom and started into a room on the right, which I guessed was the guest bedroom. He set me down gently on the bed. "You just stay there and rest. I continue cooking and then we're going to find you some clothes to wear."

I smiled slightly. "Thank you." I whispered, but he was already out of the room. I closed my eyes and tried to wrap my head around the whole situation.


That's the third chapter for you! I hope you liked it (: I feel bad for Talia...her whole world is just upside down and she has so much going on and everything...but Bentley is a sweetheart! Is it bad to be in love with the characters I create? Haha, well I hope you enjoyed reading it! Once again, I love feedback so give me what's on your mind about the story! Vote, comment and add! Also, Bentley is on the right! Thank you so much!

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