Chapter One:alex

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Sweat rolled down my brow, but i had no time to wipe it off. I was too busy trying to beat god knows what out of a punching bag. I have been preparing for my family's X-games for so long, me and Mags are so gonna win this year. Hopefully.

"Alex," called Drew from up stairs, " It's your turn to make dinner!"

"Darn it," I whispered under my breath, "out of all the days i have to make dinner.".

To clarify, i have seven brothers. Other than me there are no girls, so my brothers always try to be overprotective of me. If a guy trys to start talking to me at least four guys will come out from behind and try to look as intimidating as possible, especially Drew and Carson. They are my triplet brothers after all. And if you think my life couldn't be any weirder, i have to work at Morgans Records. My father is Christian Morgan, he owns one of the top five record companies in the world. I know what your thinking, how could your life be weird Alex? Let me enlighten you, most of the people with labels in my Dad's company are stuck up snobs who use you and then lose you. I have no prior experience with this but it comes in the job title Rich White Boy. Mags is like my best and one of the few friends i have. Being raised with celebrities has it's pros and cons. For one, snobby, annoying, wanna be girls try to be your friend just so you can take them with you to your Dad's work and they can meet all the people on the Morgan Company labels. I know i can trust Maggie because she knew me before i even knew what my dad worked as. She was also there when my mother died and i tried to let that dark pit of sorrow swallow me up. She was my tether to the happy world that doesn't really show itself much. My Dad tried everything he could to keep me from seeing that dark side, i mean Mark, my brother, used to call me pessimistic. I ran up the stairs to the kitchen thinking if i get this done fast enough i can go freerunning with Mags so we can train. The X-game Family version, as Dad likes to call it, is a friendly version of the Hunger Games. I mean sometimes there's bloodshed, but that doesn't happen too often. It's girls versus boys and my Dad as the ref. It used to be me, Mags, and Kit, but Katherine went to Florida when her grandmother got sick last month. I don't think shes coming back either. We might be able to split the teams this year. The guys side would be Drew, Carson, Mark and if mark has something better to do, which he usually does, he'll switch with Nate. George and Joey can't play because they are too young but my dad lets them bring us refreshments and "boring stuff like that". That sort of makes the teams even.

"To the pantry i go"and i walked into the pantry of sorrow and despair.


I woke up with my hair in my face and down my throat.

"Ughhhhhh, my hair tie broke again."

I looked over to my clock though i knew exactly what time it was, 6:45. Every morning, my mother used to wake me up for school and help make pancakes. She never woke my brothers up, which was fine by me. I used to think she wanted girl time or something, but now i realize she just needed help setting up a table for seven boys, a man, and a six year old girl. Maybe she was hitting two birds with one stone. Today was Carson's day to make breakfast and dinner so i didn't need no get up early but it was that stupid, mourning, mental alarm in my head that wouldn't let go of that half hour i got alone with my mother. I sat up, thinking how rough of a time it would take to brush the tangles out of my hair, groaning at the thought. Get up, my mother's voice back again, before your brother burns down the house with his crusty pancakes. I smiled at the thought.

My mother's voice would come to me during times i was bored or needed help or something weird like that. I guess it's my way of coping with her death. I looked down at my arm where her old bracelet layed. It was one of the things she left to me in her will, along with all her musical instruments and song book. My mother loved playing, it's probably why her and dad loved each other so much. She wanted to play music and he wanted to invest in it. Her voice was like what lavender or vanilla would sound like.

Everybody says i sound like her but no one could ever, ever sound like her. Not even anyone from dad's company. She would have made so much money and been so famous, and yet she declined dads offers to put her face on an album.

I got up grudgingly, not wanting to leave the comforts of my bed, but my mother's voice was still urging me to get up before Marks precinct would have to be rushed to our house, again. Mark is a firefighter which is why he sometimes can't play in the X-games.

I went to my mirror, praying it won't break at the sight of my tangled bush of hair and wrinkled pajamas which were just my old volleyball shorts and a T-shirt. I changed out of my shorts because i knew Chris was probably going to make fun of me downstairs, and nobody sees me in shorts except for during my games. It's way too exposing.

After five, long, torturous minutes of untangling my raven black hair, i braided it and followed the smell of burning pancakes downstairs.


" i have some exciting news," father bellowed proudly, " we have someone new joining the company!"

Little Nathan piped up, "worker or Rich White Boy?"

I stopped the fork from entering my mouth and looked up to my dad, hoping he would ignore that comment.

"Nate," my father said with fake patience, " where did you hear that?"

"Alex," he replied casually, "why?"

"Because that is rude to say" he said, glaring at me.

"But who is it?" George said, getting aggravated.

"Drumroll please..."

"Dad!" we all yelled in unison.

"Fine, fine," he said, building the anticipation, "Spencer Smith! He's coming in tomorrow."

"Yay?" i said with fake sarcasm. Spencer Smith is an 19 year old with not bad of a voice or lyrics,i hate him because of his youtube channel and his fans. I just can't wait until tomorrows shift at the Records. It's gonna be so fun. At least Mags is gonna be there.

"He probably eats line a fine lady." George said with a smirk.

"Where did you hear that George?" dad asked with an annoyed tone.

I was about to excuse myself from the table before he could blurt out the truth.

"Alex." he said as i was getting up.

To late now.

Mom was right.Way too late.

" You don't eat like a fine lady so that's an insult to you more than him." Mark added, matter-of-factly.

" Because i live with eight beasts."

" You only have seven brothers." said dad, confused.

" I know." i replied as i was walking away to get dressed for the child labor my father calls work.

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