Chapter three:spencer

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It was my first day as a real person with an album. Sort of. I couldn't wait.

"You know who you have a meeting with, right?" asked Vanessa. Her hands were trembling. She must be so scared of my dad. I was. He's my producer. At least my old one.

"Nancy?" i replied, not really sure.

"No Pen, Nicole. Than you get a break of fifteen minutes to relax and than meet Mr.Morgan."

She was definitely as nervous as i was. I was meeting with CHRISTIAN MORGAN! I just started off with a few covers on youtube and now i'm here. How?

"Pen? Earth to Pen."

"Huh? Yeah yeah,can i go now?" i was in the back parking lot in a white van with a security guard watching us. At least the security is good here.

"I just don't want to mess this up." she stared me down but i wouldn't back off.

"Everyone will know you and that means they probably know who your meeting with so....."

I stared at with puppy eyes.

"Ughhhh, fine." Spencer:1, Vanessa:0.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" i said as i was hugging her and walking out.

" Nicole Riminaff!" she yelled after me.

"I know!" i was on my way to a bright future.


Let me rephrase that, i was not on my way to a bright future. Now i had no idea who i was on my way to.

Nancy, no.

Noor, nope.

Romanoff? That's black widows last name idiot.

Guess i have to go get help. After a few minutes of wandering to find help, i reached a desk with a raven head of hair with a nose in a book. I hope she doesn't scream out my name or the fans in the corner being held back by security would notice me.

"Excuse me," i asked. The girl looked up. She was... beautiful.

Get this over with Spencer.

" I have an appointment with someone in this building but i-uhh- i am not really sure where that is." i was a mess. Her on the other hand, beautiful and she didn't even care. Her black hair was braided behind her back and her hazel green eyes were stunning. Even better than my sister's eyes and that's saying a lot. My sister has bright green eyes that look like contacts and shes only eight. I hoped that that brightness doesn't fade away. Now i am sure they won't because this girls eyes were just as bright.

" If you could just give me your last and than first name, i would be glad to help." she replied with an interesting tone. Probably deals with a lot of famous people. Than again she's looks my age. Don't you have to be like thirty to work as a receptionist?

" Thank you so much you are a lifesaver really." she was for a lot of reasons. Like reading good literature, Tell Tales Heart is my favorite Edgar Allan Poe piece.

" My last name is Smith,"

She looked at me confused. Ohhh, please don't freak out. She typed something on her computer fast.

" First name please."

" Spencer." please don't freak,please don't freak,please don't freak.

She pulled something up on computer and her face, a mask of stone. Thank god.

"Thank you," she paused. She's gonna expose me....

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