Chapter 17

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Kairi and Sherlock shuffled into Scotland Yard, hand in hand with confused glares following them. Not many really understood how Kairi, the quiet, American, and downright awkward intern could fall in love with a man like Sherlock Holmes. Actually, most people could never really comprehend that Sherlock was capable of being with someone romantically — especially it  not  being John (they still had some hopefuls) — all he ever used to do was insult people who referenced the childish nature of love. Their relationship was something that sort of popped up on the radar and made everyone question their sanity. Kairi often times found it rather amusing.

However, there was a good section of people who seemed to acknowledge that whatever they did have, was something unique and chose to just keep quiet about it — no matter how odd it seemed to see Sherlock genuinely smile at anyone, much less a woman he was romantically involved with.

Kairi was first as she trotted to Lestrade's big office, excited to see her friend as she always was. She regretted that they had spent less time together after Sherlock's return, but in the end it was for the better — at least for now. Things were slightly awkward between the three of them, because of all that happened. But she wouldn't let it detract from the fact that she cared about both men and refused to let them go, unless it was their own desire. She cared greatly for Lestrade and what he had done for her was important and special. It may not have been what her and Sherlock have, but it didn't mean he was any less important. She wanted him in her life and she would accept whatever role he wanted to play.

She rapped her knuckles on the door frame and was delighted to see Lestrade look up, smiling wide around the half of a donut in his mouth. "Hello!" She sang.

He chewed and swallowed quickly, standing up and brushing his hands on his pants as he made his way over to her, "Morning sunshine, how are you?" He smiled and they embraced warmly. Lestrade noticed Sherlock coming in shortly after her and he nodded to the detective, "So I'm assuming I'm not lucky enough to be called out on a lunch date or something."

Kairi smiled in her rueful way, "No I'm afraid not. I've got some evidence for you. I received it sometime last night, after the party." She stepped back and pulled out her phone, handing it over to Lestrade.

His eyes widened as he flicked open her screen and saw the image there, one that was gruesome and dark, "Jesus, he sent you the snuff film this time? Why didn't you bring it in last night?!" Lestrade practically growled at her, more out of concern than actual disappointment.

Kairi blushed wildly, "I — um, we —,"

"We were busy having copious amounts of intercourse." Sherlock interjected.

"Sherlock!" Kairi rasped at him and Lestrade just guffawed.

"Jesus, I don't need to know that, all right?" Lestrade poked at Kairi, "But I'm not too bitter as I, myself was having a bit of a night off too." Kairi's eyes widened to saucers.

"You mean night getting off!" Kairi gasped and slapped at his shoulder, beginning to speak in her rapid-excited pace, "Who was it? Do you have a picture? I wanna seeeeeeee!" She tugged at his jacket as he pulled away and walked over to his desk to grab his phone.

"I'll have you know that it's none of your business who I decide to bed." He gave her a mischievous grin.

"You wench." She scowled at him playfully.

"Can we please get back to the murder?" Sherlock growled distastefully.

Lestrade turned slowly, grinning wide at the petulant detective, "Oh I see how it is, you can just flaunt about all the sex you two are having but when I feel like sharing, you think it's a bit too much, eh?"

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