Curse Words

15 0 0

14 years ago my parents were told I was a girl.
They loved me and cared for me.
1 1/2 years ago I had a 13th birthday party.
My friends came and we sang and ate cake.
I've always thought boys & girls were equal.
I never knew any differently.

14 years ago, a female was born.
A blue swaddle was out of the question.
1 1/2 years ago, she became a teenager.
She was automatically stupid and immature.
She learned what the word for a feminist was,
But she got dirty looks for calling herself so.

Why is being a teenager a bad thing at times,
But at others adults wish they were still teens?
Why are girls not allowed to be blue,
But blue is sadness and everyone has felt it?
Why do we believe the sexes are equal,
But feminists are raging hormonal nutcases?

I'm a teenage female feminist,
So I suppose you're all in for it.

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