chapter seven

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Tony woke up, still laying on Steve's shoulder. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. 2:30 AM. Shit, he thought. As quietly as he could, he got up and snuck out the door.

When he got home he assumed Howard would be long asleep. He slowly opened the door and tip toed inside.

"Who the fuck is there?" Tony's heart dropped at the sound of his father's voice. He took in a deep breath and walked in the room.

"Dad I'm sorry, I lost track of time and-" Tony stopped talking when he noticed all the empty bottles around his dad. Howard turned around, his eyes bloodshot. "Dad, are you drunk?"

Howard said nothing, just stumbled towards him. "Dad, I think I'm just gonna go to bed," Tony said slowly backing away.

"Where were you, Anthony?" he said with an evil look in his eyes. "J-just with friends dad. It's okay." Howard picked up a bottle and threw it and Tony's head.

Tony ducked down, missing the bottle. "D-dad stop. Please." Tony began to cry. "You always were such a disappointment," he said getting closer and closer.

Next thing he knew Howard's fist met Tony's face.


Tony woke up on the floor of the living room. He opened his eyes, wondering how he got there. When he saw the bottles scattered on the floor he remembered. He got up, but Howard was nowhere to be found. "D-dad?"

"Tony? When did you get home?" he said walking into the room. Howard noticed Tony's black eye and was confused. "Oh my God what happened?"

Tony realized Howard was so drunk he had completely forgotten about the night before. He didn't want to cause anymore conflict between them than they already had, so he simply said, "Oh, I fell."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Howard went to answer it while Tony stayed in the living room, looking at his black eye in the mirror.

"Tony! Someone's here to see you!" Howard yelled. Tony walked over to the doorway to see Steve standing there in the doorway.

"Steve what are you doing here?" he asked, stepping outside, closing the door behind him. "Steve this isn't the best time."

"Tony, what happened?" Steve asked, noticing the black eye that wasn't there the night before. "It's nothing. You should go." Steve had a sad look in his eye.

"Tony, is everything okay?"

"It's okay, I promise. But you've gotta go. I'll come over later, okay?"

"Okay." And he left.

Tony went back inside, hoping Howard was busy doing something. To his disadvantage he was standing right in the doorway.

"So it seems you and Mr. Rogers are growing quite close."

"It's nothing, we're barley even friends."

oof sorry this was sad

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