On May 17th I went to a festival called IDAHIT (You probably already know what that is, but for those who don't know: it's the International Day Against Homo-, Inter- and Transphobia.) annndddd I got interviewed. Sounds pretty fun and cool, right? But nah, the article didn't turn out that cool. I'll just show you what I mean.
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I'm just going to translate some parts and tell you why I disagree with them. (in a kind of funny and sarcastic way xD) But before I start, I want to say that I don't hate anyone for making these mistakes and I can fully understand their mindset and (maybe) confusion. So this is not meant to be a hate speech or anything like that. Now, let the horror begin. XD
"Bautzen. Jace is 15 and transsexual. Only close friends know that - and the internet. In public and in front of HER family the young GIRL keeps secret that SHE WOULD RATHER LIVE AS A MAN."
- Wait what? First of all I wouldn't "rather be a boy", I already am. And second, why would a girl want to be a man? I mean, transgender is about gender, not about age. XD I don't get the point, if they describe it like that, why say "the girl would rather be a man"? It sounds like trans people have issues with their age or something. xDD
"There are many people like Jace, whose SEXUALITY doesn't fit into the norm. Especially trans- or intersexual people are neither legally nor socially on equal terms with HETEROSEXUALS."
- The hell? So apparently transgender is a sexuality and not a condition concerning gender. I din't know that, thanks for telling me. XDD
"Trans- and intersexuals - people who identify as the WRONG gender or don't match any gender at all (...)"
- Well, what is a "wrong" gender then? In my opinion that sounds like being transgender is a crime. And it's more of a "wrong" body than a "wrong" gender for most trans people. Also, as far as I know, intersex people have a gender identity too and often indentify as one of the binary genders (male & female). (Tell me, if I'm wrong)
"Jace is happy too. "It feels good that there are people who support this issue and think that it's completely normal.", SHE says (...)"
- Ma boiii, still calling me a she? I wonder if the woman who did the interview even listened to me. By the way I can't even remember saying something like that. I said it's nice to see that I'm not alone and that there are people having the same problems and opinions I have. But well xD Plus I don't like how the whole article is written, sorrynotsorry, it sounds like the author doesn't know what they are talking about and they don't even try making it interesting.
Ok, I think that's enough. XD
Now it's your turn. I'd love to hear/read about your opinion on these things. So tell me what you think in the comments. :)