Chapter 7

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The next morning, back at Blue’s, Dream was pacing back and forth a little. Paps was home by that point and didn't seem happy, Happsta was floating next to him trying to keep him calm, Blue wasn't crying anymore but he was sitting on the floor, way more quiet than usual. It was pretty disturbing.

Dream gulped a little. He had to think of something. Paps let out a frustrated sigh, "This is exactly why I never wanted him to be involved with this 'Star Sans' thing..."

Dream glared, "You're still upset about that?"

"Not just my little brother. Shine too. He wasn't ready. He wasn't stable!" Paps growled.

"Well forgive me for thinking maybe doing something more than just sitting around all day like you would have been good for him, maybe make some actual friends for once!" Dream shouted.

"I was trying to keep him safe since you damaged him in the first place!" Papyrus yelled back, "And now because of you my brother damaged now too!"

"How is this MY fault?!"

"If neither of you made friends with him none of this would be happening! We would be safe in our own universe without people bursting in and taking what's not theirs or destroying it! Without you my brother could still be him and not have to worry about stuff he's not ready for like children!"

"What the hell would you know about what he was really ready for or not?! Stop acting like you know what he wants because you don’t! He's allowed to make his own damn choices! He could have easily refused to join Ink and I but HE chose to join us because we finally gave him a chance to live out his dreams to help those in need which is a hell of a lot more than what he would have gotten here because you know for a damn fact that Alphys won’t ever let him into the  royal guard at all!" Dream snapped, then covered his mouth.

Blue looked up and blinked, but stayed quiet. Papyrus growled, "Do you really want to know why Alphys won't let him in?! I told her if she even got close to saying he was promoted from a sentry that I would fucking dust her myself!"

Blue's eyes widen.

"But why would you do that?! You know that it's his dream to be in the royal guard, to help people who need it most, to protect the ones he cares about! Why would you prevent him from achieving his dream?! Do you not trust him or something?!"

"Because I can't lose him okay?! I promised my dad! I promised I wouldn't let anything hurt him!"

"And yet all you’re doing is hurting him by crushing his dreams!"

"STOP!" Blue yelled.

Paps froze. Dream stopped a little bit.

"JUST STOP!... Whats done is done... Okay? I'm not mad Papyrus..." Blue sighed, "But you should have told me if you didn't want me to join the royal guard or the Star Sanses... That's not important right now though okay? I know we're all upset right now... And things are coming out that we're keeping from each other for our own reasons... But we... We can talk about this later. Eclipse still has Shiney... We need to find them... Paps, if you don't want me to be hurt then please help..."

Paps nodded, "...I'm sorry for what I did, Br-"

"Not. The. Time. We will have time once we get MY --" Blue blinked and looked at Dream, "I mean our, baby back” Dream was still quiet.

"Dream..." Blue said, "Say something..."

Dream shook his head.

"Please, Dream... Shiney is out there... What if Eclipse hurts him?... What if Shiney loses control or has one of his panic attacks?" Blue tried.

"...I don't know how to help him with those..."

Blue let out a growl of frustration, "So we’re just supposed to leave him with Eclipse?! If you don't know then do you think Eclipse will know?!"

"Blue, calm down..." Happsta tried in.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Blue yelled at her.

Happsta flinched back and hid behind Paps.

"Look, we'll find him, okay? It's just not going to be that easy!" Palette jumped in.

"I-I never said it was going to be easy..." Blue said, calming down a bit, "I'm just worried..."

At that moment Ink came back into the room, "I've got them."

Blue looked at him but before he could speak Paps spoke, "If you're going to find them I'm going too. I'll get off my ass for once and help."

Blue blinked and Happsta smiled.

"Thank you. I sensed them both close by to the ruins, somewhere in the forest. In his universe," Ink said.

"Then we should get going!" Blue said, heading for the door.

"Bro..." Paps started.

"Papyrus..." Blue glared at him.

"I'm just trying to say maybe a plan should be set up before you charge in. You guys said he was strong, running in without a proper plan doesn't seem like a good idea," Papyrus tried to explain.

"We don't have to exactly hurt him. If we can stop him from moving we can at the very least rescue Shine," Dream said

Blue was quiet, but nodded.

“I’ll stay back… I’m not going to be much help… And someone will need to be here if Dust and Sprinkles come back,” Happsta said.

Ink nodded and lead the rest of them to where he had sensed Eclipse and Shine.

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