The best parent.

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Wake up its late!
Your first call to me each day.
Tug of war with the blanket over my head,
You could be a better father they say.

Broken toys and shins, once even my heart,
You could fix them come what may.
Can't say you didn't break big things yourself,
Maybe thats why they say what they they say.

Even a 99 wasn't good enough,
My worth was more than a 100 for you.
The lessons, recorded rhymes, few scoldings open up tonight.
There are tears, yes.You win. I do miss you.

Maybe you weren't the softest of people,
Your sharp words always cut like a sword.
But no one brings me anything cause I just look tired,
No one gets it like you, without a word.

I can keep a grudge like many
You might agree, the mistakes were so many.
But I can't, with you I can't.
You were to me what no one else had the time to be.

What is a perfect parent?
My search for one will never cease.
I know I am not even half of what you were.
Teach me the good in you dad, one last time please.

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