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Upstream beyond the wall
lies an ocean of cool blue.
Mountains of a sturdy brown,
a setting sun of an orange hue.

Upstream I see white birds,
grey ducklings floating in blue.
Bountiful fish dare a gulp of air.
Life is blissful, everday anew.

My feet trail down the winding slope
Tall trees surround a narrow lane Hidden birds in the undergrowth
Cry a strange cacophony of pain.

Old mud houses soon come to view
Summers of mangoes and muddy games.
I smile wide at withering old faces
They try to recognize two decades of change.

Black stone smoothed by running feet
Slippery walkway to the riverfront
My breath hitches by the end of the steps
Less by age, more by the sight afront.

My river stares back stagnant and dull
No fish, no waves, no gull, no sun.
They cut me off, she chuckles in the dark
Look! Look what they've done.

For a thousand years I've traced this path
Carved those mountains for thousands more
I am the goddess that feeds your soul
Mother of a million sons ashore.

You think with bright shortsighted minds
But humans forever fail to foresee
I am nature herself, you can't kill me
Beyond your fickle brick walls, lies still the same old me.

A/N - This came as a mix of thoughts while I was in my small town. A river lies split into two worlds there on either side of a dam. Isn't a woman's life the same in some ways?

What she was before she changed her identity and what people try to see in her later are two different things. And no one should discard another person's personality traits as unworthy.

Families should receive a new person with love, there should be acceptance. Unconditional. Someone's daughter is not a despicable project. She is a living, breathing person. Change with love and above all foresight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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