Chapter 1: Cheaters never win

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I'll never forget those eyes light with life, or the way the sun danced a crossed her tan skin, not even the way she some times snorted when she laughed will leave my mind, for she was Darcy and she was mine. And as i stand here looking into a crowd of screaming girls i look back to those months in summer camp as child and remember her small fragile figure. I didn't know what those IV's meant that day and honestly I'm glad I didn't. She wasn't the prettiest but to me she was smoking. Even though my nine year old mind didn't really know what smoking was. But i came back every year just to look for her. And one year she just stopped coming. But fate works in funny ways, eh? And by the time high school rolled around i was positive i saw that brown haired angel in the hall. But i can't give up to much at once eh? So let me take you back were the stars alined and i new what love was. Or what i thought it was, i'll go back when i was 12 and she was still a babe.

Harry's younger POV

"Bye mom love you!" I Scream tossing my tiny curls out of my hair two words. Chick magnet. What can i say the chicks dig the curls, and don't even get me started on my dimples. Yep I'm looking good. I lug my bags up to the camp counselor and camp Antenna. Weird name for a camp right? I mean i know theres bugs and crap but isn't Antenna just telling people to get out while you can. I scan the area for any sign of a familiar face.

"Harry?" I here a light voice. A smile grows on my face as i turn and see the hot girl on campus. Darcy, boy was she fine; well i mean no ones jumping the gun to ask her out or anything but i thought she was and who ever told me different would be a dead man. One time some one pushed my babe into the water and i beat the snot out of em. Well she's not officially MY babe, but we could pretty much say she is.

"Darcy!" I scream running over to her. "Here let me get those bags." I smile taking them from her.

"Its fine really harry i got it." She smiles. That smile, wow, the whole world stops revolving when she smiles and gets hard to breathe.

"No no no. Nope I am now a gentle men." I bow as she laughs. Can i just pass out now?

" Your an idiot thats what you are." She rolls her eyes.

"Hey now i'll have you know I'm very smart." I flip my curls.

"Don't flip your curls you look like a bad episode of mean girls." I gasp and she grabs her bags and walks towards the cabin.

" Offended." I yell as she shakes her head in front of me. I smirk and chase after her.

" Well I'll see you at the camp games and hopefully at swimming because i'd love to see you in a swimsuit." I say grabbing her bags again.

" One:You're perverted Two: I don't swim. So thanks but no thanks." Most girls would have jumped in my arms right then and there.

"Come on everyone swims!" I shrug smiling at her.

"Everyone except me," she sighs and a bell rings "bye harry see you at the games. By the way my teams gonna kick your butt."

"Whatever!" I yell back at her

Darcy's younger POV

I smirk at my bestie Harry as he rubs the back of his neck walking back to where ever he's staying. I smile and enter my cabin and set my stuff on my lumpy old tattered bed. I see millions of names carved into the old wood. I smile wide and crawl under as only two names are carved. I trace over harry's weird hand writing and over my neat one.

At the end of his is a heart and smiley face and mine has a flower. I remember this day. I had just gotten done out of the showers and put my brand new clothes on. All the sudden Jimmy T. and his weird gang came over and shoved me in the water. I couldn't see anything and i remember seeing a wave of curls come and strong arms lift me out of the water. I was crying in my room when he came over and sat by me, and I'll never forget what he said. "Shh. I'll never leave you. Watch." Then he takes a small pocket knife, which he is not supposed to have, and crawls under the bed he draws his name and i draw mine. "See." He smiles. I swear he saved my life. I don't know how to swim and i couldn't touch. To bad he doesn't feel the same.

I sigh sitting my clothes on the bed trying to decide which one i should wear.

"Hey Darcy!" My blonde headed friend Sadie calls.

"Hey!" I smile back looking at my choices.

She points to the outfit she likes the best. " Word on the campus is Jake has a crush on you." She smiles talking about one of the most popular boys on campus next to Harry and Jimmy. I almost gag thinking of the bully that should have been kicked out a long time ago.

"You know I don't want a boyfriend." I cock a brow at her.

"Not unless it's Harry." She sing songs his name smacking me playfully on the side.

I gasp and smack her back.

"Well it's about time to kick your lovers butt cause locust are going down! Go titian beetles!" She yells throwing her hands in the air walking out.

I mentally laugh at her and change into clothes that don't matter if they get torn or wet and head down to games. Jake likes me? I mean Harry's only a friend anyways why can't I date someone else. Besides wouldn't it ruin my friendship with him anyway? Yea but Jake's also a close friend.

I sigh who am I kidding I am not dating anyone. Besides I'm only 12 I mean who can make these life choices anyways.

I take a seat next to Sadie and Jake.

"Hey Darcy." Jake smiles tossing a scruffy blonde mess out of his deep blue eyes.

"Hey."I smile he was about to say something but gets cut off.

"Are you ready for the games!" The counselor yells.

"Yeah!" We all scream.

We line up in rows by teams for a race. It's me first in my line sense I'm one of the fastest and I look over to see a smirking harry first in his, a brunnet girl I don't know next to me, and jimmy on the other side.

I stick my tounge out at harry as he laughs.

"On your mark," I get ready feeling my muscles tense like a spring ready to go, "get set," I take in a deep breath, "Go!!" They yell and I'm off in the leading running to round the barrel. All the sudden I hear a laughing set of curls running at my tail.

" See you at the finish line!" He yells hearing a bunch of screaming kids telling me to go faster.

All the sudden I feel a rough push to my back. "Ah!" I grunt falling on my face. I sit on my bum checking my elbows as I see jimmy run past me.

I look over and catch Harry's eyes and he knows what happened. Then he stops dead in his tracks and turns around.

"What the heck!" He yells pushing Jim. "You think it's cute to hurt a girl?" He asks poking him in the chest I get up and walk back to my line.

"Whats going on?" A counselor asks.

"He cheated he pushed Darcy!" Harry points at me and I blush as everyone turns their head to me.

" Did not!" He says. "Did I darry?" He smirks.

"Its Darcy!" Harry grits his teeth.

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