Drama & Planssss

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Kayla & Casi P.O.V. (conversation)



C-He hasn't responded.

K-Kay. Let's roll out..

                  Boys House.

Shawn & Quan P.O.V.

Q-Why haven't you talked to ya girl?

S-Just haven't.

Q-I said why?

S-Nigga I just haven't.

Q-Don't do Kayla like you did these other girls she's different you said it yourself now remember that.

S-Nigga I know what I said I don't need you to constantly remind me.

Q-Well get your shit together because my girl texting me asking me what's up with you.


Q-Yeah. Kayla's was getting aggravated not talking to you. Where is your phone?

S-Oh. In my pocket.

Q-Well check your phone.

S-10 missed calls from Kayla.

Q-Handle it.

                             End of conversation
                          10 minutes later.
Knock Knock Knock.

Quan goes to the door.

"Where the hell is Shawn."Kayla asked.
"Well Hey and he upstairs." -Quan

"Well I'll be on my way up there"-Kayla

Shawn why the hell haven't you answered your phone?-Kayla.

Babe~ Kayla cuts him off.   Don't babe me answer my damn question.

My phone was on silence. -Shawn

One thing you gonna have to do is keep your phone volume up. I'm going back home. Bye -Kayla.

Kayla it was a mistake.

Mhm -Kayla

Casi I'm ready. You ready or you gonna have him drop you off? -Kayla

Nahh I'm ready to leave now.-Casi.

                 In the Truck.
C-What happened?
K-Phone was on silence. 
C-Well did you tell him about his self?
K-Yeah he said it was a mistake and I said mhm....and that was it.
K-What happened with you and Quan?
C-He started acting funny so I told him about his self and then it turned into a argument.
K-I'm thinking about moving out of my parents house.
C-Ohhh. We could like share a house or a apartment and split the rent.
K-Yeah sounds good we can start working on that today.

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