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Kayla POV
It has been a long seven months and now I'm finally eight months with one more month to go! I have been doing really well and the baby has been also. Shawn & I are doing great him and my parents have developed a strong bond. Casi & I on the other hand haven't been in contact that much and its hurts a little but she just has to understand where I'm coming from and she really doesn't. I keep in contact with Quan and he updates on her pregnancy. Shawn & I have been talking about marriage since I am pregnant but we don't wanna rush into anything.

Shawn POV
I'm really ready to marry Kayla but she feels like we need to wait awhile and make sure that we are really ready for this. The baby is doing great we're trying to pick out names for her and the struggle is REAL with Kayla because she is so picky all the time but that's my baby and I love her so fucking much. I would give that girl my last. The bond that I have developed with her parents and most importantly her dad and just been great it really makes me feel good knowing that they accept me.

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