Wasting Away- Luke Hemmings

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He came to her as angel almost. Quick, swift and then gone, just like that. She didn’t know what to think because she was shocked. It was almost as if it was a sign because this was the second time it happened. Her quotes seemed to come to life. One of her quotes was, “The angel was beautiful, so beautiful that I didn’t see his wings were black… Along with his soul. So beautiful, I never looked into his eyes because I would’ve seen that his eyes were black, too”. Now there she was, caught by an angel. “They flew together. Flew for months. And finally fell. Fell into Love”. This one was ironic because it felt like it took forever to fall in love. As John Green wrote, “I fell in love how I fall sleep, slowly then all at once.” From his great book The Fault in Our Stars. This girl was confused; it was as if all her quotes were coming to life and she was scared. She had a right to be scared because her last quote she wrote wasn’t a one about life. She wrote, “They say to me, ‘We’ll help you through it.’ But I’m already dead. ‘I love you.’ I love you too, but I’m done. The dead can’t love. ‘We understand.’ But you don’t; I’m already dead. You can’t understand because the dead don’t feel. Inside, the emotions aren’t real because after all, we are already dead.”

This girl, you’re probably wondering who this girl is. Well, this girl is me.

Courtney Ashlyn Morris.

I preferred to be called, the one who was Wasted Away.

_____________________________________________________________________________ Hey guys! So this is my third story and yes, those are copyrighted quotes by me! Well except for the John Green quote :p But everything else is mine. If you follow me and read my stories, you will also see that i use the name Courtney Ashlyn alot because that was going to be my name but my parents changed it. But anyway, tell me what you think and the next chapter will be posted in like a few minutes xD

Peace, Love and Bands


Wasting Away; a Luke Hemmings storyWhere stories live. Discover now