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Baiklah kali ini aku bakal menerima tantangan dari impinkeu yang kemarin2 nge taggin hahaha
Maaf yaaa baru bisa bikinnya sekarang, aku nggak jahad kan? Wkwkwk

HMMBaiklah kali ini aku bakal menerima tantangan dari impinkeu yang kemarin2 nge taggin hahahaMaaf yaaa baru bisa bikinnya sekarang, aku nggak jahad kan? Wkwkwk

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Okay. Lesss goo!!

1. Do I Like Someone?
Hmm, pertanyaan berat.
my face turns reddish, "y-yes, of-of course i do!"
'God! Im blushing!'

It takes sometime to get me answer this question, im holding my breath for awhile,
"And its you :)" me added and put a sweet smile on my face.

hahahahahahah paan sih w. #receh

2. Do They Like Me?
'What kind of question is that, does he really like me?' I'm asking to myself.

Then, "I wish so," as me putting smile again on my face.

3. Midd Name?
"Secara terminologi, 'Sebuah petunjuk' adalah nama tengahku,"

4. Single or Taken?
"For now, Im Sexy, Free, and Single 😂"

5. Last Person I Texted?
*checking line*
"Its The Son of My father's friend. Hahaha how complicated,"

6. Last Song I Listened To?
Yura ft. Reza Rahadian - Pekat

7. Battery?
'Is it so much important?' Im rolling my eyes.
"48% thats enough till midd," me added.

8. Girl Bestfriend?
"I dont think I got one? But she worth the thing marchesss ,"
'Yang punya wattpad cuma dia,' inner of me is speaking. 😝

9. Boy Bestfriend?
"Pa-pa-L 😝"

10. Fav OTP?
"Well... anyone who got married I thought?"
'Its really not my thing hehe,'

11. Why I Made My Account?
"Hmm, writing is my hobby since i was 13–i thought. And Now, i am in a term which called–have nothing to do– So, yeah..." she quiets for a moment,

"Gue juga mau ngeliatin hasil pikiran gue, apakah yang gue pikirkan itu benar2 bisa dikonsumsi kalayak ramai atau... yah gitu deh hahaha," tertawa renyah.

12. Current Lockscreen?
"I am being honest about this, doain yaa :) please doain yaaaaaa hahaha,"

 Current Lockscreen?"I am being honest about this, doain yaa :) please doain yaaaaaa hahaha,"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Aamiin yarabbal alamin ya Allah hihihi,"

13. Birthday?
"Aah, its too late to ask me this, hmm," I sigh.
"May on 3,"
"But, you are still able to sent me gifts hahaha," me added.

I Thank impinkeu for tagged me.
And now,
I am tagging you to do this challenge, sowwy hehe
marchesss tasatisu Blackeye1817 jeonnia_ pinatos21

In case, if you wanted to haha.
Thanks for having time looking at this unnecessary thingy about me.

P.s. i need grammar nazi

Daily ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang