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When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions; free of the coliseums.

        You let out a giggle at Haru's joke. It was uncharacteristic of him to spout out puns randomly, and it was no secret that you adored jokes of all kinds. It made you delighted that he would go through such an effort to make your lips twitch into a smile.

        School would be ending in a few days to make way for the euphoria of summer. His heart danced with anticipation at the mere thought of being freed from school, and all the classrooms1 to spend more time in the cerulean pool.

        "So," you began cheerfully. "Since school is ending soon, G- er, Kou was wondering if we could all go to the beach this summer. She asked me to invite you, since obviously you like water so much." You finished hopefully, peering at the soon-to-be 3rd year.

        Haruka's eyes widened and he looked away, a flush of scarlet crashing onto his cheeks. Of course, the two of you had been friends since the 1st year of high school, but he still could not help himself from getting flustered around you. He didn't know why, since he acted normally around Gou Kou. While he was contemplating his thoughts about you, you were starting to get a bit nervous.

        "Um, Haru? Do you want to go?" you asked again a bit too quietly for your liking, in fear that he might decline the offer. Haru's eyes flickered to yours.

        "...Huh?" he had replied stupidly, making his red blush even brighter from the embarrassment. He mentally cursed himself for being so foolish.

        He looked away again, so you wouldn't tease him like Nagisa would, though he was sure that you already saw his flushed face. You never would make fun of him for something like that but you couldn't help the small smile that crept onto your face. You thought he was just so adorable!

        "Do you want to go to the beach with us once school ends?" you repeated, glee evident in your smile and voice.

        Haruka's response to your offer was an immediate nod. Even if there wasn't going to be water, even if he didn't know why he acted so oddly around you, he was certain he would agree to go, as long as you were there.

AN: Sorry if the lyrics don't really match the content of the chapter ;a;...! The lyrics are by Fall Out Boy, from the song "Young Volcanoes".

1. Rome would be the school, since they're both "powerful" but end up falling, like on summer break. The coliseums would obviously be the classrooms since they contain the "lions", or the students.

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