Rozonda's POV
____________________________________When Lisa called me an told me what happened, I didn't wanna leave Usher stuck with Tron, but I was on damage control duty with Tee. I had to make sure I gave Usher the speech on proper care of a baby then I went back to support Tionne.
Me: Hey you alright?
Tee: Yea.. I'm just glad Lisa's back.
Lisa smiled and rolled her eyes.
Lisa: Tee stop thinkin about me. We here to fix you.
Tee: I'm fine. I just don't physically feel at my best.
Me:What you mean?
Tee: I don't know, I just don't feel how I normally should. Maybe it's the drugs I had.
Me: I'm just glad you stopped.
Lisa: I'm definitely not leaving you again. I still don't know why you did all that over lil old me.
Tee shrugged.
Tee: You the only other person that made me feel like something. Important I mean.
Me: Tee that is not true. Who could pass up a pretty face like that?
Tee: I'm not pretty. They only want me for what I got. I'm going to bed.
She left the room and I looked at Lisa.
Me: How's things between yall?
Lisa: I guess you could say it's back but not the same. She doesn't really like me to touch her and she's just not all crazy like she used to be.
Me: I guess she just needs her time. Just make sure she takes her meds and keeps up with her classes while I'm gone.
Lisa: Sure thing.
Lisa's POV
_______________________________________I went in the bedroom and sat next to Tee.
Me: You alright?
I said, stroking her hair. She shook her head. I didn't know what to do. I just gave her a sympathetic look. Then she started pinching the bridge of her nose.
Me: What's goin on?
Tee: I think my sickle cell I flaring up again.
Me: What? You need to go to the hospi- *gco
She cut me off by holding up a finger, the. She ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. I heard sink water so I assumed she was done and went in there with her. She was standing in front of the mirror crying.
Me: Why you crying?
I said wrapping my arms around her from behind. Then she got out my grip and ripped the mirror off the wall, throwing it on the floor.
Tee: This shit ain't fair.
She said sitting down crying again.
Me: Look Tee, you gotta calm yourself down. I know it ain't fair.
I said pulling we up.
Me: Look, come lay down. We can I to the doctor tomorrow.
I was freaking out on the inside. Usually Tee was the calm one keeping me together, but it was weird with the roles reversed. I found myself getting frustrated and breaking down trying to pull her together. Is this how she felt? I just hope things can hurry up and go back to normal. I'll take whatever extremes I have to in order to make that happen.
_____________________________________Alright. What are y'all thinking? Is Ted and Lisa's relationship gonna go back to how it was? There's some people we haven't heard from in a while huh? Waddup with CJ? Will these questions be answered? Find out in the next chapter, My Life. Feedback is the key to success. I'm jus sayin that, but yeah. Ya know the rest.