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Rozonda's POV


Me and Usher had decided to go to my mom's before my last doctor's appointment to talk about things. When we got there my mom had let us in and we sat down.

Mom: Hey baby, how you doing?

Me: I'm good. Feeling huge, but good.

Mom: That's good. How about you Usher?

Usher: I'm good.

Me: I came to talk to you about this baby. Like, I don't know if I'll be able to keep him with me all the time because of school and stuff.

Usher: And I have work so I won't be able to have him all the time either.

Mom: Well I definitely wouldn't mind watching him for you, but you won't be leaving him with me all the time. What are you naming him anyway?

Me: Tron Thomas. I don't know a middle name yet.

Mom: Well you should be thinkin of one. You don't have much longer.

Me: I know.

Mom: So are you gonna let him stay with Dallas sometimes?

Me: I guess so. He says he wants to be in his life. He been doin things for me sometimes.

Mom: Okay. You talk to Dallas?

She asked Usher.

Usher: Umm not really, but he's Tron's biological father, so I gotta deal with him.

Me: And I appreciate that.

I said, smiling.

Me: I'm getting kinda hungry tho. We gotta go somewhere to eat.

Mom: Well I'll see you later Oce.

Me: Ok, bye mom.

I said, trying to hug her.

Usher: See ya momma T.

Mom: Bye Usher.

We left and he brought me to get some food.


Tionne's POV


CJ been coming over to give Lisa her mail, and I know she had been wanting to talk to me. Unfortunately, today was mail day for Lisa, so I'd get to feel awkward again. The knock came and I didn't even leave the bedroom. I could still kinda hear what was going on in the living room.

CJ: Hey where's Tee?

Lisa: In the back, why?

CJ: Is it cool if I talk to her?

There it was.

Lisa: I don't know. I'll ask her.

Then Lisa came.

Lisa: Umm Crystal wants to talk to you.. If it's okay with you.

Me: Ughh fine.

I said getting out of the bed. Lisa stayed in the room and I went to talk to CJ.

CJ: Hey.

Me: Im sure you didn't come here for small talk.

CJ: I didnt. I just miss you Tee.

Me: That's unfortunate. You're the one that left me.

CJ: I did it for the sake of you and your mom's relationship.

Me: It really helped. I have no relationship with my mom. You left me and I had no one but my brother.

CJ: I'm sorry.

Me: Don't be. Things turned out for the better anyway.

CJ: Well I still love you. If you could at least tell me how you feel.

Me: You wanna know what I feel for you CJ?

CJ: Yeah..

Me: I feel nothing. I don't love you, I don't hate you, I don't like you, I don't dislike you. I feel nothing for you. You wanna know why?

She just looked at me.

Me: Because after you left me alone, you became nothing to me. Just like my mom. And I have no intention of you becoming anything to me, so please only come to bring Lisa her mail and don't talk to me anymore.

CJ: Alright.

She said with tears in her eyes. I didn't care that she was crying. She sure as hell didn't care when I was. She walked out the door and Lisa came sat next to me.

Lisa: How'd it go?

Me: I know you heard everything.

I sat, laying my head in her lap so she could play in my hair.

Lisa: If you want, I'll tell her to stop coming over.

Me: Nah she's your friend. I'm just over her.

Lisa: Alright then.

I got up and kissed her.

Me: I'm gonna go take a nap.

Lisa: Okay. If I'm not here when you wake up, I'm at the store.

Me: Ok.

Then I went and laid down. By talking to CJ, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. There was just one weight left to be lifted...




Whoop there it is. Sorry once again for the delayed update, I'll try to get back into my normal habits. Well how was it? I'll just leave it to you all to say whatever y'all wanna say. I should be updating my other book some time today as well. Oh yeah, could you guys help me think of a middle name for Tron?

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