18 | I Will Wait

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Kenzie told her mother that she was going to sleep right after Johnny left, meanwhile she's been sitting right at her window sill for an hour waiting for him to knock. When he finally does, she opens it immediately and lets him climb through.

"I'm freezing," he says through chattering teeth.

"Why didn't you put your coat on?" Kenzie asks, looking at his flannel pyjama pants and thin sweater.

He shrugs. "It's like a thirty second walk. I figured wearing it would be too much of a hassle."

She pulls him over to her bed and climbs under the covers, motioning for him to join her. "Let's get you warmed up."

Nodding his head, Johnny curls up next to her, and they wrap their arms around each other for body warmth. "Is this better?" Kenzie asks.

Johnny nods and kisses her. "Much better."

When he kisses her again this time, it's harder than earlier in the night. More passionate. His lips are still soft against hers, but the touch is just different. Kenzie feels it, too.

They roll over, ending with Kenzie on top of him. They keep kissing, faster than before, too. Both of Johnny's hands lay on her butt, only moving in order to let her slip his shirt off over his head. He sits up, leaning back against the headboard of her bed. She's now straddling him. Their bodies are pressed so close to each other's, even closer somehow than before. His fingers play with the bottom of her shirt, so she eventually pulls away to slide the black sweater off over her head.

Johnny pauses to take her in for a moment, a smile coming across his face. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Kenzie giggles. "You've never been outside of Kansas, though. You haven't seen many girls in general."

He shakes his head. "Even if I'd been all over the world, I wouldn't find anyone quite like you."

When she was with Ashton, they used to tease each other about more attractive people they could be with. Ashton would stare at a pretty girl and tell Kenzie she should feel lucky that he's with her because he could be with the other girl. Kenzie would do the same to him. It was a type of game they'd play. Neither one of them wanted to be with someone else, but they liked to say they did to make the other one jealous. When Ashton was jealous, he'd get overprotective, which Kenzie loved. When Kenzie was jealous, she'd make out with him just about anywhere, which any guy would love.

But Johnny... He can't imagine ever looking at another girl when he's with Kenzie. She's the entire universe to him. She's the sun and he's just one of the planets orbiting around her. He really does love every single thing about her, and anyone who sees the way he looks at her knows it. It rivals the way Hayden and Brynn look at each other, and those two have always been together.

She leans back in and kisses him. Her nails dig into the bare skin of his shoulders. His hands run up and down her bare back, playing with the clasp of her bra in consideration.

This is all so new to him. He's never done this with anyone. The furthest he's ever gone is making out, but this is more. It's exhilarating to him but also terrifying. All his beliefs and values slip from his mind as he gets more and more lost in her.

But when her hands reach for waistband of his pants, he snaps back into reality.

"Wait," he says. "I need to tell you something."

She presses her forehead against his and smiles. "You don't have an STD or something, do you?"

He shakes his head. "No... It's just that... You're going to think it's stupid."

"Johnny, tell me. You can tell me anything," she says.

"I want to wait until I'm married," he blurts.

Kenzie backs away from him, suddenly feeling dirty in just her bra and sweat pants. "Oh."

"I'm sorry. I should've told you earlier," he says.

She shakes her head. "No, don't be sorry. It's sweet."

"You think it's stupid, don't you? Sweet but stupid. Like how I felt about your CD, which I loved by the way," he rambles.

"It's not stupid, Johnny," she coos. "I just... Now I feel like I'm the girl who tried to get you to do something you didn't want to, and I hate that."

"You didn't know, and I wasn't really making it obvious. Don't feel bad for that," he says.

Kenzie looks down sheepishly. "So you're not mad at me for almost trying?"

He laughs and wraps his arms around her. "I don't think I could ever be mad at you."

"You've been mad at me before," she says. "When Ashton was here."

Johnny laughs. "Well that was because I was in love with you, and you were kissing your boyfriend right in front of me."

"And now you're my boyfriend, and I will wait if you want to wait," she tells him.

"Thank you for being so understanding," he murmurs, kissing her cheek.

"I love you. Sex is great, but I'd rather be able to do all the other couple stuff with you," she tells him. "So, how about we put our shirts back on and cuddle until you have to go home?"

"Sounds perfect."

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