23 | I Finally Understand

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Her belongings were sent in a U-Haul to New York a week ago and will be arriving there today. Her flight leaves in three hours.

Kenzie hugs Taylor tight to her. "I'm going to miss you, little sis."

"I'll take good care of Sunny for you," she promises.

Kenzie giggles and kisses the top of Taylor's head. "I know you will."

She gives a reluctant hug to Greg, not offering him any kind words.

"Are you ready?" Melissa asks.

Kenzie nods her head and grabs her small personal bag for the flight, surprised at how hard it is for her to be leaving this place that less than a year ago she despised. Melissa walks towards the door, Kenzie following a mere step behind.

Melissa unlocks her BMW, and Kenzie opens the passenger side door, tossing her bag in on the floor and preparing to get in.

"You weren't going to say goodbye?" Johnny asks.

Kenzie turns around, surprised by his sudden appearance, and shakes her head. "No."

He wraps his arms around and hugs her. "Please don't hate me."

"I understand why you did it. I don't like you for it, but I finally understand," she mumbles into his shirt. She looks up at him. "Come visit sometime?"

He offers a small smile. "Maybe."

"Johnny," Melissa says, "You know I'm rooting for you, but we need to get moving or we'll miss our flight."

He nods and gives Kenzie one more squeeze, whispering he loves her in her ear, before letting go.

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