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Both me and my brother finish season 2 of Supernatural and decide to go to bed. "Night. Love you." My brother tells me. I hug him,

"I love you too," I tell him. He hugs me back,

"See you in the morning, okay?"

"Yep." I smile at him and squeeze him one more time before going up to my room to get ready for bed. Everything's fine. Nothing will happen. Just sleep and you'll be fine.

I finish brushing my teeth and went out to my room. I walk over to my closet and look for a shirt to wear, I grab my Han Solo shirt and change into it. My room is quiet, I hear the crickets on the other side of the glass doors leading to the outside world. I then hear faint screaming coming from outside, I immediately run over and slide the curtains shut. Then run and jump on my bed and hide under the covers. I'm exhausted and fall asleep right away.

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