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Phoenix's P.O.V.

I finish brushing my teeth and exit the bathroom. I glance at my clock, 12:30 A.M. God, I am tired. I slowly walk to the side of my bed and get in.

As my eyes are closed, and I'm about to fall asleep, a loud noise jolts me awake.

"What was that?" I say to myself. I rub my eyes and look around.

J-Dog's P.O.V.

We start to look around for things to steal when Johnny reminds me of something. "Hey dude, don't you remember that someone is in here?" He says, I look at him.

"Oh yeah. Maybe you should go find them." I say and chuckle.

"And do what?"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe kidnap them?"

"Ohhh, right," He nods his head, "I'll do that."

"And take Charlie with you."

Johnny nods again and leaves the room we were in.

Johnny's P.O.V.

I walk out of the living room to find Charlie. "Charlie? Charlie?" I whisper and continue forward down a hallway, I see a light on. I quickly walk to the doorway and peek in. Charlie's looking through the cabinet. "Dude. What are you doing?"

Charlie stops his search and looks at me. "So, you know how we have like, no money?"


"I'm trying to find something that we could use." He says as he's rummaging through shit.

"Dude. In the bathroom?" I say. He stops and looks in the cabinet, questioning himself.

"You're right." He closes the cabinet and pushes past me.

I follow Charlie into the hallway. "So, we're gonna go find that girl now. But be quiet, she might call the cops." Charlie stops in front of me and turns around,

"You don't say?" I chuckle at his sarcasm. "Let's start upstairs." He tells me. I nod.

I go up the stairs first. I try my hardest to be quiet. I get to the top and look back at Charlie, he nods. I look in front of me again. A wide hallway with a room on the left. I start to slowly walk to it. I slowly take my bag off my shoulders, pull out the tape and handcuffs, and hand the tape to Charles. I zip up my bag and put it back on. I take my gun from my pants, hold it in my right hand, and grab the door handle with my left. I slowly turn the handle and open the door. I look around a computer room, I then close the door and look at Charlie. "Nothing," I whisper and look down the hallway.

Phoenix's P.O.V.

I hear a noise come from outside my room door. Okay, what the hell? I start to shake and I feel like I can't breathe. It's fine, it's probably nothing. I close my eyes and I try to fall asleep.

There it is again. I slowly crawl out of bed and go towards the door to turn the light on. I get no more than 3 feet from it and it busts open. Two tall men barge in, I'm caught off guard, and fall back onto my ass. I start to hyperventilate and my eyes start to tear up. I start to say my brother's name but I remember he isn't fucking here.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." The taller one says, as he has a gun in his hands, pointed directly at me, "Just who we were looking for."

"W-who are you?" I get out, nearly crying at this point.

"I think the better question is who are you, miss? What's your name?" He's still pointing a gun at me so I don't think and give him my name.

"Phoenix," I say, I start to move backward while still on my ass.

"Hey, hey, who said you could move? Get up." His voice is deep and intimidating. I listen to him. "Good." He grabs something from his pocket and starts to walk toward me. I start to breathe harder now and my tears slip out.

"Please don't hurt me." I cry.

"Shut the hell up, Phoenix." He spits and grabs my wrist, shuts a handcuff around it, whips me around, and gets the other. "Tape." He says, and the guy with him tosses him a roll of duct tape and I hear him rip a piece off. He turns me around again to face him. He towers over me. He puts it over my mouth so I can't speak. "Good. Now, you listen to us and this gun isn't the only thing you're gonna have to worry about." He holds his gun up. I nod.

He leads me out of my room to the hallway and downstairs. "Boysss! Look what we found!" The one holding onto me says.

Oh god, there's more of them? I'm so fucked. I'm led to the living room and I'm met with 4 tall men wearing masks. Oh my fucking God. Hollywood Undead. They're gonna kill me.

"Oooo. Hello, chica." One pulls up his mask, he has black curly hair and a mustache. He walks up to me. "And what's her name?" He asks as he's looking me up and down.

"Phoenix." The one who sealed my mouth tells him.

"Oh, that's hot."

"Funny, can't you go anywhere without checking anyone out?" One says who has a huge head of black curly hair and a very raspy voice.

"No, no I can't Matty," Funny says.

"Thought so."

"So is this all we need or?" The other guy who met me in my room asks.

"I'd say so. Let's head out boys." The super tall one says.

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