Chapter 4: Crimson Red

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"Keisuke, honey?"

"Yes, owner?"

"Put this box on that shelf, can you?"

"Of course... " The lady handed the box to keisuke and walked to the counter." What's in it?" He ased as he looked at the unexpectedly heavy package.

"Those little red  balls you like to eat." Keisuke made a face and looked down." Don't eat a singe one."


"Keisuke! Not one!"

"Alright.... I wont..."

After keisue brought the ladder he put the box on the shelf and walked to the inside of the store. As he arranged the bags of jelly beans, the bell hanging on the door rang. Keiuske wiped his hands on his apron and walked to the door.

"Can I help y--- Logan? What are you doing here?"

"I... Came to apologize for ditching you all of a sudden. I completely forgot about Jona."

"N-no it's ok... but.... what about him?

"Oh, he had lunch with out me."

"Yeah? Well you deserve that."

"yeah... I know."

"Are you coming over in the end?"

"Yeah... By the way... Can you pay for the cab and I'll pay you back? I'm completely out of money for this month."



"This way Logan."

"What the fuck?! We've only been walking for five minutes!! How did we get to your house so fast??"

"If you go through the bridge you--- wait.... Don't tell me you went through the main street."

Keisuke asked as he opened the door to the inside of the house.

"Well, y-yeah"


"Well, how am I supposed to know?!"

"Logan... Are you sure it's ok for you to be here, right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Jona... he.... Well, he's your bestfriend and I think he---"

"Oh my God! Dude... So good you brought him up!"


Logan took a deep breath and took a step closer to him. He put his hand on keisuke's shoulders and sighed.

"I.... Look, I saw you."

"D-doing what?!"

"Floating? I-I don't know?"


"Y-you jumped and floated and then..."

"Um... Logan---"

"No it's ok! I'm not freaked out or anything! I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry!"

"Logan it's----"

"Look, I swear I didnt mean to!"

"Logan, I knew you were there."

"I know! I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you! i swe----- wait, what?"

"I could... see you...."

Logan curved his back and, with loose arms, he stood there with a gape.

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