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'K guys i know that last chapter was crap... im going to improve now because its getting more exciting in the third chapter... or fourth, i have no idea xD but wait for me to update plzzz... ;) It was hard writing this chapter! Plz comment! im excited for this chapter!

Love, TheCutePinkKitty

Katniss's POV

I'm running through the woods. Which woods, I have no idea. I'm hoping it's my woods. I sprint past jabberjays who mock me with Prim's voice. Definitely not my woods. My throat starts to close up. The tears come freely. I hear my father 's voice, singing the 'Hanging Tree'. I can hear a girl's laughter. It sounds like mine. Then there's a four-note whistle. Rue. She jumps down from a tree and right in front of me, smiling. Her short dark hair sways in the breeze. I can't say anything. My throat has constricted. I open my mouth but no words come out. Even she doesn't speak. When she opens her mouth only music comes out. She laughs and disappears. I continue running, looking for her, but I can't yell her name. My tears drip onto the ground. Then Rue comes back. She laughs, and then her body elongates into the mutt form of her. She snarls at me and pounces. Halfway through her mutt form changes into Glimmer's. When she's about to sink her fangs into my chest the female morphling from 6, who was in my second Games, throws herself in front of me to protect me. She drops to the ground, dead. I watch as her body changes into a female form of Snow, whose dead body cackles evilly. Her eyes open and they're black - completely obsidian black. Fathomless ink pools. She grabs my ankle and slices it with a knife when I'm transported to the Cornucopia. The mutts pace around. I watch Cato's horrific death. When he dies, shot by my arrow, I smell smoke. A mockingjay on fire floats out of the woods. Then the world turns into flames. In the middle, Prim's form floats, ghostly but very much real. 'Katniss!' she says softly. She dives down to grab my hand but my hand passes through her's. 'Let go!' I say hoarsely. 'Prim, save yourself!' She finally releases my hand and explodes.

I wake up screaming. 'Katniss?' Gale's there, by my bed. His eyes are wide open, terrified. 'I heard you screaming. Nightmare?' I nod, and then break down. He opens his arms and I don't hesitate to go into them. I sob into his shoulder. 'The Games,' I say brokenly. 'Mockingjay. Prim.' He holds me tightly. I can't see his face. He smells of wood smoke and cinnamon apples. Gale and I stay in that position for a long time. Then I hear his words, rushing out as if he can't stop them. 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have listened to Beetee and Coin. I shouldn't have made that bomb. I'm sorry for what I did to you and your mother, and to Prim. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. I was supposed to protect your family, but I failed. I know you'd be better off with Peeta. Every time you look at me you'll be reminded of what I did. You'll see it in my eyes. Please forgive me, Katniss. But if you don't, I can understand. I just want you to talk to me again.'

I wait for a minute after his apology. I can sense him holding his breath. Then I make up my mind. 'I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault. You didn't create the bomb, arrange for it to drop on the medics. Don't be so hard on yourself. Coin did it. She's dead. I'm overjoyed. I've got revenge. I would've killed her myself, but someone from the crowd did it before me. I have no grudge against you.' He pauses. 'So you forgive me?' 'What else did I just say, jerk?' He laughs, and I join him. 'Thank you,' he whispers. 'I'm allowing this just this once, but if you continue thanking me I will seriously throw you off a building,' I warn. He laughs again and I rest my head on my pillow, smiling in relief and happiness at having my best friend, my secret-keeper, back.

He gives me a quick hug, kisses my forehead and goes. It's disturbing how soundlessly he can disappear and appear. I feel as if a great weight has been taken off both our shoulders, and I lean back and sigh in relief. I stare at the ceiling, our plan running through my head. This morning's discussion comes back to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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