Part 1- Chapter 10

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"Here you go. Here's some water and some medicine." Caleb placed the water and medicine down onto the bed stand next to his bed. I looked over to him and snuggled up under the covers.
"Thank you." I smiled and took the water and medicine.
"If you need anything just call me, I'll be in the living room." I nodded and he left and closed the door after turning the lights off.

* "Please Dont hurt me. I have nothing to give you!" I screamed.
"You're immortal. All we want is your blood. All of it. So yes. You will die." An evil laughter filled the air. Someone came towards me with a needle and stabbed it in my arm.
"No! Please! Stop!" I sobbed. "Let me go!"*

"Sophie! Wake up!" I was shook awake by Caleb. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I guess I'm fine." I panted, out of breath. "What happened?" I wiped the beads of sweat off my face.
"You had a bad dream or something because you were screaming for help and I ran up here to find you crying in your sleep and screaming." He sat on his knees, on the ground next to the bed, looking at me. "What happened in your dream?"
"There was this guy trying to take my blood from my body. Leaving me dead once all the blood was gone." I gulped and started crying again. "It felt so real."
"Oh Sophie." Caleb got up off the ground and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back.
"What time is it?" I looked around the room, hoping to find some sort of clock.
"It's nine in the evening. You slept for a very long time. Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. And you said it's nine in the evening?" My eyes went wide at this.
"Yeah, why?" He picked up the cup from the nightstand.
"It's my birthday." I looked up at him. This time it was time for his eyes to go wide.
"You didn't tell me? I would've gotten you something." Caleb set the cup back down and sat down on a chair across from the bed.
"No, I didn't think I'd need to tell you because it's not important, really. My birthday was never celebrated so... didn't think I'd need to." I looked down at my hands, fingers intertwined.
"It is important. To me at least. How old are you now?"
"I'm.... I'm eighteen now. No longer a minor." I smiled at him and started to tear up.
   "Hey, I'm nineteen if that makes you feel any better. Coming from England to America, the school systems are totally different so I had to do senior year a second time." He smirked. "But I'm glad for it." He continued.
   "Why are you glad for it?" I pushed the covers off of me and climbed off the bed to stretch my legs.
   "Because I would've never met you." He smiled and got up from the chair, taking long strides towards me. I stopped stretching and looked at him. We were now face to face.
   "How nice of you to say." I smiled.
   "Is that sarcasm?" He smirked once again.
   "Nope!" I said and pulled him into a hug. After a minute or so, I pulled away from the hug. "Are your parents home yet?" He shook his head.
   "No, they're not home yet. They did, however, come home and got ready to go to dinner. They're never home. Rachel called you multiple times and on the fifth call I picked it up and told her you're at my house and that you weren't feeling well." He shrugged, handing me my phone after pulling it out of his pocket.
   "What'd she say?" I took my phone and put it in my own pocket.
   "She asked 'how is she not feeling we when she's immortal? She's not supposed to get sick'". He tried to mimic Rachel's voice but it backfired and I laughed.
   "That was the worst impression of Rachel I've ever heard in my life." I shook my head. "Now. I've got to get back to Rachel's."
   "And how do you suppose you'll get there?" He raised one eyebrow and smirked.
   "Well. If we carried on with the plan to get myself a new car today, I would be driving my car. In fact I wouldn't be here at your house right now."
   "Yes you would've."
   "Oh really? How so?" I raised an eyebrow.
  "Rachel and her parents weren't home... remember?" He tapped on his temple and laughed.
   "Right, right."
   "Come on, let's get you home to Rachel's." He smiled and picked up his car keys. Walking down the stairs and into the hallway, he looked behind him to make sure I was following him.
   "Alright, time to go for a thirty minute drive to Rachel's!" He said in a "cheery" voice and opened up the front door.
   "Yep, time for the long drive to Rachel's." I laughed and closed the front door behind me.

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