Part 1- Chapter 1

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   "Immortality. It is a word in which the body and mind can live forever. You feel pain. But never die." Mrs. Robertson explained to the class.
The class nodded in unison.
   "How come immortality is a thing, but we all die anyway?" Rachel asked.
   "Yes. Immortality is a thing. However. If you say the 5 letter word, you die. Simple as that. No one understands why. It's been around for hundreds of years." Mrs. Robertson told the class.
   "The word death right? The word everyone hates?" Edward looked to Mrs. Robertson. Her eyes wide. The class turned to look at Edward.
   "Edward, I'm afraid you have said the word. You must leave class now and love your family all you can before midnight." Mrs. Robertson shook her head in sorrow. "I am terribly sorry."
   Edward looked about the class, shaking. "I won't die. You'll see. I'll show up tomorrow and you'll all be surprised. Just watch." and with that, Edward left the class.
   Honestly. It was sad. Seeing people you know never come back to school. Seeing people you love disappear from your life. It was tough. Those 5 letters. Those god awful 5 letters that ruin everyone's life.
   The 7th period bell rang, signaling us to go home. "Bye everyone! Pray for Edwards family tonight." Mrs. Robertson called after us.
   I walked out of the classroom and was automatically pushed against a locker. "What are you doing?!" I asked Rachel.
   "Shhh... over there... it's Nick." She pointed to the left as she looked at me.
   "Okay, what about him?" I asked confused.
   "He just got six people to say the word." Rachel let go of me.
   "Really? Six people? How? By accident?" I asked.
   "Stop asking me so many questions Sophie," She walked next to me down the corridor.
   "It's four simple questions that require no explanation."
   "Wow, sassy much?" Rachel laughed that laugh that sounded like a doll from any type of horror movie.
   "Haha, yeah I am. You need a new laugh by the way. It's awful." I laughed and patted her arm. "It's so bad." I couldn't contain my laughter.
   "I'm working on it Sophie. Geez. It's like you want dea-"
   I interrupted her, "Don't say THAT word. I can't afford to loose you like how I lost my little brother last year."
   "Oh, right, I'm sorry. Those kids were wrong to make a five year old say it." Rachel looked at me with eyes full of sorrow.
   "I wanted to make those kids pay for what they did so bad. But you can't hurt anyone anyway. Because remember, we have immortality." I chuckled a little bit, trying to lighten the mood.
   "Yeah well, only certain people have immortality. Mrs. Robertson forgot to mention that. I'm not sure everyone knows that." I shrugged to Rachel's response.
   "Sophie, if I shot you, the bullet would go right through you." We stopped in our tracks. "You would heal automatically, like wolverine for example. He gets shot, and the bullet holes close up." I looked at Rachel and nodded.
   "You don't have immortality, do you?" Rachel shook her head.
   "I went to the doctors last week, they said I don't have immortality. So if someone were to hurt me bad, it'd die. And supposedly, if you say the five letter word, then you don't die if you're immortal." Rachel continued walking.
   "So, if I say the five letter word right now, I won't die at midnight?" Rachel shook her head.
  "I said supposedly. Doesn't mean it's true." I sighed with Rachel's response.
   We walked down the rest of the hallway and to the parking lot.
   "Do you need a ride home still?" I asked Rachel.
   "No thanks, I just got my car back from the auto repair shop." Rachel said as I unlocked my car door and hopped inside.
   "Okay, well if you crash your car into a stupid pole again, let me know and I'll be more than glad to give you a ride." I closed my door and rolled down the window.
   "Oh, I'll be sure to let you know." Rachel laughed.
   "Haha, okay see ya later Rachel," I said as I started to pull out of the parking space.
   "Not if I see you first!" She called back while waving to me.
   I sighed as I turned on the radio ever so lightly to where I can only make out the sounds of a guitar and drum playing.
   I looked into my rear view mirror and saw Nick's car behind me. He had the word DEATH written across his windshield. I shook my head and put it in my hands. He was the one who could get anyone to say Death. If he showed you a piece of paper with it written across it, I'm sure someone would say it. How do you honestly get someone to say it without yourself saying it?
   A car horn beeped at me, I looked in front of me and realized that the car in front of me moved up. I scooted my car up and looked into my rear view mirror. Nick was flipping me off with both of his middle fingers.
   Life was only going to get harder, knowing I'm only one of the few left who have immortality. My blood carries it. Blood is drawn from my body two days every week so that they can give some of it to someone else so that THEY can have immortality as well.
   I looked in front of me, only one car left until I can turn right and head straight home.
  The car in front of me moved and was gone, I was next. I looked to my left, it was clear, so I went and then my vision went dark as I heard glass shatter around me...


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