Part 6

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Just a side note for those who might get confused by this chapter: the reader, being part of a fanfiction, is the equivalent of being in a universe similar to the original timeline but with "slight" changes in events, locations, and characters which is why this chapter will be different from the canon story line, enjoy...if you can
At least three days had passed as the group of now 6 traveled down the path towards mistral, having not to worry about some large monster killing them reassured the group that nothing was going to happen even though they were beyond exhausted...except for y/n of course, who had a constant stoic face while walking in front of the group and have a seemingly endless amount of stamina traveling for three days with little food or water, ruby still had the map and was looking for any possible pit stops along the way as they reached their destination "have you found anything yet" jaune said with a tired voice "nooope" ruby said not exactly noticing the building a couple hours ahead of them on her map, due to again, constant travel with little to no food or water and no sleep, this bored the group as they walked in silence afterwards trying to think of something to pass the time, ruby pondered...and pondered...and pondered, still nothing popped up in her head, staring at the ground as they traveled, ruby began to notice the road slowly getting cleaner and seemingly more used by people until she bumped into ren who had stopped moving "s-sorry" was all she said, looking up towards him however, showed he was looking at a sign noting its bland yet strange name "inn?" Jaune turned back to her "I thought you said you didn't find anything nearby on the map"
Ruby rubbed the back of her head and let out a nervous chuckle "sorry, wasn't paying much attention to the map", "who cares finally some food!" Nora shouted as she sprinted way ahead of the group and was gone from sight, qrow walked up towards y/n so he stood somewhat beside him and took a drink from his flask "I'm surprised your actually out here helping us y/n, thought you were too busy being hellbent on revenge" y/n still looked forward as he spoke "my reasons for helping you are of my concern and benefit", qrow just slightly smirked and started walking back towards the group "whatever you say, Ghost of Sparta". Ruby let out a slight gasp as she noticed buildings over the trees and began running "we're here finally", "wait for me!" Jaune said as he sprinted after her hoping to catch up, Nora was already waiting for everyone laying down on the ground, out cold snoring until ren poked her shoulder waking her and surprising her as she turned around to see everyone already walking towards the building just called "inn". Y/n sat at one of the tables by himself, staring at his hands in annoyance that Athena still thinks they could be useful after multiple arguments in his head on the matter, he would explain why they were useless and she would just blabber about how they could benefit them, qrow had already moved to the upper floor were raven sat and waited for him to sit as well and had began a conversation that eventually lead to the pale male sitting alone at one of the tables "why is he with you" raven said with venom in her voice "is there a problem with that?" Qrow asked nonchalantly, raven turned to him "problem?, this is far more than just a problem, he killed nearly all of my scouts and I plan to deal with the issue right now" she already had grabbed the hilt of her blade and began to stand up until qrow grabbed her arm "raven don't cause a scene" he whispered, she turned back at him and they soon began to argue  not noticing what was happening on the lower level. The feeling of someone snaking there arms around y/n startled him as he grabbed one of their arms and yanked it forward noticing its feminine features "ow, do you have to be so rough y/n" he knew that voice "what do you want Aphrodite" y/n said somewhat ignoring her flirtatious attempts as she spoke again "being cooped up in Salem's palace can be so boring, and besides there aren't any men there that could possibly satisfy me~" this time as she moved her arms past his shoulders he didn't react violently "and you were the only person that came to mind when I thought of who possibly could" y/n again began to ignore her advances still sitting there annoyed far more at this point, Aphrodite red his body language and realized why he was ignoring her this much "you seem so tense y/n" she leaned in his ear "are you sure there isn't any possible way I could help you", y/n looked up at her than stood up, Aphrodite huffed at this until he picked her up and began to carry her over his shoulder towards door and out towards the other building, she giggled as he traveled up the steps to the room that had been rented for him and then slammed the door closed locking it, Aphrodite had a look of pure bliss as he pushed on to the bed, she knew right away, that those two were in for a long night. Raven just finally decided to leave as she knew arguing with her brother was impossible, she began to open a portal starting to walk through but turning around to look at her brother "I final message for you brother, as we are blood, do not trust that spartan" was all she said then vanishing, qrow side and took a sip of his drink looking over to the rail expecting to see y/n but he was gone "huh" one thing he did notice after finding y/n gone was a strange semi rhythmic shaking that was causing his alcohol to ripple in the glass after setting it down, "maybe...I drank too much".

I honestly regret making this chapter, I am honestly disappointed in my self...but hey if ya liked it cool (which you probably won't) and if you didn't like this one, I'm not surprised

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