~ One ~

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The bottle stops turning, and to your disappointment, it is pointing from Jungkook to you. He flashes his infamous bunny grin at you. "Truth or dare, Y/N?"

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Dare," you breathe. The realisation of what you've just said hit you, but it was too late to take it back. Jungkook already knew what he wanted you to do.

"Go and make friends with..." he pointed towards someone behind you. "...him." The others in your group gasped and giggled.

"That's cruel, Jungkook," Hoseok joked, lightly punching Jungkook on the arm.

You are dreading to turn around, but when you do, you notice him sitting alone at his usual Loner Spot, as you guys call it. Saying 'dare' was the biggest mistake of your life. "There's no way I'm talking to him." You say.

"You have to, Y/N. You chose dare after all," Dawon says mockingly, giving you her usual smug grin. You roll your eyes at your best friend.

"What do I even say to him? Will he even understand me?"

Jimin bursts out laughing. "I hope so, we need you to find out anything you can, so we can tease him about it all. Isn't it funny when he's on the verge of tears?"

Jungkook agrees. "Yah, do it, Y/N. He won't bite... at least I don't think he will. He might though, be careful," your group was in fits of laughter, which left you with no choice but to give in.

"Fine, I'll do it. But I'm not spending more than 5 minutes with him."

"What?!" Jungkook practically screams. "I dare you to become his friend. You're spending every chance you get with him till the end of this school year. You can't say no. It's a dare."

You roll your eyes. "Fine, I'll stay with him. But I better get something in return."

Jungkook smirks, "I'll give you whatever you want, baby."

"Gross. You know I don't feel the same way, bunny boy." You punch his arm before standing up and making your way over to the boy. You don't even know his name, yet there you are, towering over him. You are met with a confused gaze as he looks at you questioningly. You freeze, not knowing what to say.

"Hi Y/N," he says, eyes wide. "If you're here to apologise for Jungkook punching me again, you don't have to. I'm used to it."

You finally sit down next to him, and you're met with a confused look. You've never seen anyone look this confused in your life. You wonder what confusion is going on through his mind right now. Even you're confused right now, because he didn't confuse your name. You realise you're confusing yourself, because you keep talking to yourself and not to the boy, who has been patiently waiting for you to say something.

You also notice that your heart is suddenly beating faster, but that's just because you don't know how to make the dare work.

"Y/N?" he looks worried.

"Uh, hi. Yeah, no- I mean... Gosh what am I doing?" you whisper the last part to yourself. You take a deep breath. Become his friend and learn his weaknesses, so you can tell Jungkook, then maybe Bunny Boy will leave you alone.

You flash an attractive smile at the boy, who still looks shocked at your presence. "I'm not here because of Jungkook," you say. Well technically you are, but whatever. "I want to be your friend. It's not fair that you're always alone... you know?"

At first, he looks at you blankly. You are debating whether to return to your group and tell them the plan failed, but then he smiles at you with a large, boxy grin. "Okay. Hi friend!" You are sure you could hear your friends laughing their heads off a few metres away from you, but his genuine smile seems to make him glow, almost like he's cute or something. What the heck am I thinking? You shake the thought away and look at the excited boy in front of you.

He had joined your school a few months later than all the other kids, and thanks to his weird habits and the fact that everyone had made friends already, no one bothered getting to know him. He spent his childhood alone in classes and breaks, talking to himself or some plushie he got with him to school. He was surely a strange one.

"Y/N, why do you want to be my friend? You never really talked to me before, except to apologise on Jungkook's behalf..." he avoids eye contact and proceeds to nibbling on a star-shaped sandwich.

"Well, I mean, you've been neglected ever since you came here, right?" he nods. "I think it's time to... change that." You realise how staged you sound and add, "I know we've never really talked, but why can't we start now, huh?"

"It's just that no one is nice to me." He looks sad and you feel your heart shatter because of the reality. He was always alone... Don't let it get to you. "If someone else came up to me I would have told them to fuck off, but I trust you, Y/N. Even though you're friends with the meanie."

You giggle, despite the fact that you are met with a warm feeling you've never felt before. "The meanie, huh? Jeon Jungkook can be really mean, but he's also sweet sometimes. Only when he needs something, though."

"Was he ever mean to you too?" his eyes widen.

"Not really, it depends. He often teases me though, saying I look like a monkey or some similar shit, but I'm used to it," you admit.

"He's fucking blind, then," the boy mutters, but you were too busy noticing his dinosaur-sticker-covered lunch box to get what he said.


"Nothing," he throws his arms around you and wraps you in a tight hug "TaeTae has a friend now!"

Oh, that's right, his name's Kim Taehyung.

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